chapter 52

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Someone was sitting on the stairs case back resting to the wall ,eyes close with deep imagine thoughts . His thoughts was intruppted when someone shake him and he came out of his thoughts only to see the nurse who was looking down at him with a little angry expression ,he can't explain rightly but when the nurse talk , he did found that she was angry .

" hey ,Mr don't you know smoking is prohibited in hospitals premises..... and you are blocking the way for staffs ,you should wait in the waiting area . " Said the nurse strictly with her cold voice....

Hearing the nurse he just noded and threw the cigarette he was smoking . A lone tear left from his left eye remembering the happy smile of tae looking at him at the alter with taking there vows...........but it all was a dream , an imagination of the moment created by his brain he so desperately want to be fulfilled ...... but it's all a lie .

He still here in the hospital , after tae became unconscious and hearing the he is pregnant ,he couldn't control his emotions . He regret now , he regret everything which cause him to loose tae for his whole life ....... what he did now made him sure that he will never get tae back to himself .

On the other hand tae, was still not in his senses and everyone was just crying hearing the news ,not knowing they should feel happy or sad for the loss the omega is been through. Mrs cha was crying badly that , the news they heard was supposed to be a celebratory news for there family but now what ..... the family lost the most precious person in there life ..... the child loose his father even before they born .

Mr cha was also not in his right mind to say anything he was just sitting and staring at the wall blankly. Eunwoo's brother was also in grief but looking at his parents condition he had to handle everything . He handle the responsibility and formalities to take Eunwoo's body from here .

In the room, tae was getting conscious... .. everyone look at him and first thing tae saw his family surrounded him ,he was confused first that why he was here but the moment flashes in his brain and he became restless seeing the hospital room calling for Mrs cha . Mrs cha wipe her tears and somehow manage to hide her emotion so tae would not take stress I this condition ,it is bad for both of them ..... .

" eomma , .... whe... where is hyung . Why... why I am here . We ... we should be .... with him . "

Hearing tae calling someone else eomma ,his own eomma feel hurt and his family feel bad for her .

" I.. have to go .... he will be upset ... If ..if he didn't saw me .....yeh . ..I should go to him ." Said tae not understanding that he lost his love .

Mrs cha and everyone looking at tae couldn't see the condition of tae like that . He was looking like he lost his light and soul .Mrs cha hugged tae trying to calm him who was now started being hyper due to his emotions being out of control.

" please dear , calm down ... calm down baby .it's not good for your ..... and the baby's health . Please calm down ." Mrs cha hugged tae tightly while creasing his hairs .

Tae stopped hearing Mrs cha's words ,he looked towards her , " baby ..... " tae was confused at first but got shocked Hearing the next respond of Mrs cha .

" yes , tae .... baby yours baby .... eunwoo's and yours . Your pregnant baby ... " said Mrs cha crying couldn't stop her tears anymore .

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