Near miss

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Y/N is 24 hours away from marrying her fiancé, Tom, and Spencer hasn't said a word to her. It's only when she's an hour away from walking down the aisle that Spencer finally talks to her, and their talk is a life-changer.


Life isn't supposed to be easy. Y/N knows this, and yet, she catches herself wondering what her life would've been like if it was easy. What would've happened if her dad hadn't died in a car accident. What would've happened if her mom actually chose to raise her, instead of running off with her new boyfriend and leaving her at a nearby church at the age of 5. Would she have grown up with both her parents around in a loving household? Or would life have been just as cruel, adding her parents in just to be nice?

Whatever the case, for a long time, Y/N didn't have any family - at least, none that actually wanted to be around her. But then, that all changed when she joined the BAU. Suddenly, her days were filled with cases that any normal person would gag at. Her lonely days off turned into shopping trips with Penelope, JJ, Elle and Emily. Her life changed for the better, and she started to enjoy life. Y/N's life also got a bit better when she met Tom. While out celebrating Spencer's birthday, Y/N met Tom, a wealthy business man who was maybe a year or two older than Y/N, who was 26. They hit it off right away. 4 dates and 6 months of friendship later, Y/N and Tom got into a relationship, one that Y/N was proud to show off. Tom met her team, Y/N met some of Tom's friends from work. Everything seemed fine, at Y/N.

Y/N's love map had been screwed from the moment her dad died when she was a year old. Her mom's new boyfriend was verbally abusive and would often leave her mom crying for hours. Y/N never saw those tears, as she was a year old and didn't quite understand what was going on. She saw the man's behavior toward her mom and considered that how a man or woman should treat their partner. That's probably why she never saw red flags within hers and Tom's relationship.

A man or woman is suppose to tell their partner how much they love them, how much they appreciate them. They're suppose to look at their partner with love. But Tom, he looks at Y/N as if she's his maid, or someone who cooks and cleans for free. He should look at Y/N with love - he's her boyfriend. But he looks at her with false love, to hide the fact that he's using her. After a year of dating, Y/N started to notice Tom's behavior. He'd comment on her clothing, her weight. He'd convince her that he knew what was best for her. In private, he controlled what she ate, what she was going to wear. If he didn't like a certain meal she cooked, he'd throw it out and make her cook something he liked. She didn't say anything to anyone because of the constant reminder that Tom had practically drilled into her mind: 'nobody would ever love you like I do. I'm the only person who will ever love you'. That reminder, plus the gaslighting and the comments, Y/N was forcefully wrapped around his finger, truly believing that he would be the only man who ever loved her. Out in public, he still controlled her, but was way nicer to her when they were with his friends, or hers.

That's why after 2 years of dating, Tom finally popped the question. Y/N - without hesitation - said yes. Fast forward 8 months, Y/N was only 24 hours away from marrying Tom. He insisted that she spend a week with her friends, wanting the last minute wedding details to be sorted out by him, claiming that he wanted her last week as a free woman to be stress-free. What she didn't know, was he had no intention of getting those last minute details sorted. He left that up to his best man. In reality, he had spent the week sleeping with one or two women every day. If someone found out, they'd say it was cheating, but he'd say it was his final chance to be a 'player' before he was tied down to the same woman for the rest of his life. Would he continue to sleep with other women behind Y/N's back after they were married, most likely. But Tom wasn't one for planning ahead.

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