A word of caution

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Spencer is a professor at the University of the District of Columbia. His friends think that he's too old for her.

Y/N is Spencer's TA at the University of the District of Columbia. Her friend thinks that she's too young for him.

Neither of their friends can stop their crushes from developing into something more.


Spencer had changed a whole lot since his release from prison. It wasn't just his looks that changed. That was evident. His temper had shortened, he couldn't remember things like he used to. Spencer Reid before prison wouldn't have considered dating someone who was 12 years younger than him. But now? He didn't care. He didn't care that the woman he had a crush on was 24 years old. He had stopped caring the moment he was released from prison. Since he was 24 years old, there have been plenty of opportunities for romance. He once had a crush on both JJ and Elle, but they would've never given him a chance since he was their co-worker. He had a make-out session with Lila Archer, in which both he and Lila admitted that they liked each other, but life gets difficult and starting a relationship wouldn't have been easy when one person is an actress and the other is an FBI Agent. Austin was another woman he could have had a romantic relationship with, but after she - like Lila - became a victim during a case, he knew he couldn't burden her with his crazy schedule. The closest he ever got to a real relationship was Maeve Donovan. They spent 10 months communicating with each other before deciding that it was time for them to meet. They didn't know anything about each other, which helped when building a solid relationship. What didn't make their relationship easy was Maeve's stalker. Eventually, Spencer's romance with Maeve ended in tragedy, much to Spencer's horror.

But, for the first time in 12 years, Spencer's life had calmed down a bit. Once he was released from prison, the Bureau had one condition that Spencer would need to agree to if he wanted to return to the BAU - for every 100 days that Spencer worked with the BAU, he had to take a 30 day break teaching a subject of his choice at a college of his choice. At first, he hated this agreement, but after meeting a certain teacher's assistant, he definitely missed seeing her whenever he was on cases with the BAU.

Y/N's dating life sucked. At 17 years old, Y/N decided to try dating and see where she ended up. Spoiler alert, her dating life didn't go so well. Within 7 years, Y/N dated 5 different guys, all of them lasting between 6 months to a year. Every breakup occurred for a different reason; one of her exes was cheating on her with another girl from their school, one of her first college boyfriends was very controlling and wouldn't give Y/N much freedom, etcetera.

After her 5th boyfriend, Y/N was over dating. She hated that she couldn't find a guy who had similar interests to her. So, until the age of 24, Y/N didn't bother trying to find another boyfriend. She didn't bother crushing on any boys her age. 5 weeks after Y/N's 24th birthday, Y/N introduced herself to her new boss, Dr. Spencer Reid, part-time professor, part-time FBI Agent.

Spencer heard a knock on his office door. He had been at the college for less than 24 hours, and people were already trying to talk to him.

"Come in." He watched as a woman, probably in her mid 20s, walked into the office, a satchel hanging from her shoulder.

"Hello, Dr. Reid. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, your TA."  She nodded.

"Please call me Spencer. We're going to be spending a lot of time together this year." He smiled.

"Well, Spencer. I hope you're settling in well." She commented.

"I have, thank you. So, my hope is that from 9 AM 'til 5 PM during the week, whenever we don't have a class, you'll remain out there, at the large desk, while I'll work in here, unless we need to discuss things, of course." He spoke, gesturing to the large desk outside the office that could fit two people.

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