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Yoojung sat across from her best friend Gyuri, fidgeting with her pen nervously

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Yoojung sat across from her best friend Gyuri, fidgeting with her pen nervously. "I'm scared about this exam, girl. I don't know if I'm prepared enough."

Gyuri places a reassuring hand on Yoojung's shoulder. "You've been studying non-stop for this. You've got this."

Yoojung sighed, shaking her head. "I hope so. It just feels like there's so much riding on this."

"You've always been the top. Don't doubt yourself now," Gyuri exclaimed as a way to convince her.

Yoojung smiled back, feeling a bit calmer. "Thanks."

The exam Yoojung was about to take was not just any ordinary test—it was a pivotal moment in her academic journey. It was a make-or-break examination, one that could significantly impact her future prospects and opportunities.

Yoojung had been pouring all her energy and focus into preparing for this exam for weeks. She had sacrificed countless hours of sleep, staying up late into the night, poring over textbooks, and reviewing her notes meticulously.

Every detail, every concept, every equation—they all mattered, and she couldn't afford to overlook anything.

The pressure weighed heavily on Yoojung's shoulders as she burned the midnight oil, determined to cover every topic thoroughly. She knew that the results of this exam could shape her academic trajectory, opening doors to new possibilities or closing them shut.

Despite the exhaustion gnawing at her, Yoojung persevered, driven by her desire to succeed and prove herself. She understood the significance of this moment and was willing to push herself to the limit to achieve her goals.

As the professor entered the room with the stack of test papers in hand, Yoojung felt a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins. Mentally, she braced herself for the challenge that lay ahead, steeling her nerves and focusing her mind on the task at hand.

With each step the professor took towards her desk, Yoojung's heart beat a little faster, her pulse quickening with a mix of nervousness and excitement. This was the moment she had been preparing for—the culmination of weeks of hard work and dedication.

Taking a deep breath, Yoojung reminded herself to stay calm and composed, to trust in her abilities and tackle each question with confidence. She knew that she had put in the effort, studied diligently, and covered all the material to the best of her ability.

As the professor finally reached her desk and handed her the test paper, Yoojung took it with a steady hand, her determination shining through despite the butterflies in her stomach. With a silent resolve, she flipped open the exam booklet, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and give it her all.

Her father would be disappointed if she failed this. She needed to prove herself to him.

In the midst of the exam room's tense atmosphere, Yoojung's mind couldn't help but wander to Ni-ki. Amid the silence punctuated only by the scratching of pencils on paper, memories of their recent interactions floated to the forefront of her thoughts.

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