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In the aftermath of the new continent's appearance and the realm connection, the world was thrown into chaos

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In the aftermath of the new continent's appearance and the realm connection, the world was thrown into chaos. The earthquake that coincided with Jungwon's fainting sparked widespread fear and speculation, leading governments and scientists to scramble for answers.

Travel to the Vampire continent was quickly made illegal as authorities grappled with the unprecedented situation. Fearful of the unknown, strict travel restrictions were imposed, effectively sealing off access to the new landmass.

Months passed as the world slowly adapted to the new reality. The implications for global politics, society, and the environment were profound. Efforts to establish communication with the Vampire realm and facilitate safe passage faced numerous challenges, both logistical and bureaucratic. Eventually, travel to the Vampire continent was permitted under strict supervision, fueling anticipation among those eager to explore the new world.

The realm connection led to a profound shift in the very fabric of reality. The boundaries between Humans and Vampires, Magic and Science, began to blur, merging into a singular unified realm. In this new world, individuals were no longer defined by their lineage but by their character and actions.

Jungwon stood outside the imposing doors of his castle's Royal room, his heart pounding with anticipation and nerves. Beside him, Yona offered a reassuring smile, her presence a comforting anchor in the sea of emotions swirling within him.

"Are you okay?" Yona asked softly, her voice filled with concern.

Jungwon nodded, trying to steady his breathing as he prepared to face his family once again. "Yeah, just nervous," he admitted.

Yona squeezed his hand gently, offering silent support as they waited for the doors to open. "They'll be happy to see you," she reassured him, her words a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.

He couldn't help but dwell on the choices he had made in the past. The memory of leaving without a word to his parents weighed heavily on his heart, filling him with a pang of guilt.

He remembered the turmoil he had felt, torn between his desire to return to Danah and the fear of disappointing his family. In the end, he had made the difficult decision to leave, hoping to find answers and purpose beyond the confines of the Vampire realm.

But now, as he stood on the threshold of his family's home once again, he couldn't shake the feeling of remorse for the pain he had caused them. He longed for the chance to explain himself, to ask for their forgiveness, but he feared their reaction to his sudden return.

As Jungwon approached the towering doors of the Vampire's castle, his heart raced with anticipation and apprehension. With a deep breath, he pushed the heavy doors open, revealing the grandeur of the entrance hall beyond.

And there, standing before him, were his parents—his father and mother, their eyes filled with tears of joy and relief as they beheld their son once more. Without a word, they rushed forward, enveloping Jungwon in a tight embrace that spoke volumes more than any words could convey.

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