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The air was filled with anticipation as the day of Jungwon and Yona's wedding dawned, a day that would forever unite two souls in love

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The air was filled with anticipation as the day of Jungwon and Yona's wedding dawned, a day that would forever unite two souls in love. In the heart of the village, preparations were in full swing as villagers bustled about, adorning the streets with colorful banners and fragrant flowers in celebration of the joyous occasion.

In the grand hall of the castle, where the ceremony would take place, the atmosphere hummed with excitement as guests arrived, their eyes alight with anticipation. Friends and family from near and far had gathered to witness the union of their beloved prince and his bride, their hearts filled with happiness and love.

Jungwon, resplendent in his ceremonial attire, stood at the altar, his heart pounding with anticipation as he awaited the arrival of his beloved Yona. With each passing moment, his excitement grew, knowing that soon he would be joined with the love of his life in holy matrimony.

Meanwhile, Yona, radiant in her bridal gown, was escorted down the aisle by her father, her heart aflutter with emotion as she made her way toward her groom.

Her father's eyes glistened with unshed tears, his heart overflowing with emotion at the sight of his daughter beside him, beautiful in her bridal gown. He had never imagined that the young girl who once struggled with her studies would one day stand before him as a Queen, poised and confident, ready to embark on a new chapter of her life.

With each step she took, memories of her childhood flooded his mind—the late nights spent helping her with her homework, the moments of frustration and doubt, and the unwavering support he had always offered her. And now, as he watched leave his side and take her place beside Jungwon, he felt a swell of pride and joy.

"Grandmama would be so proud of you, Yo." He proceeds to go to his spot beside her friend, Grace. Grace had been by Yona's side through thick and thin, supporting her through every challenge and celebrating every triumph.

As Yona's father shed tears, Grace placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, silently sharing in his emotions. She, too, had watched Yona grow and flourish over the years, witnessing firsthand the strength and determination that had led her to this moment (although they were enemies for most of  those years).

Yona's eyes met Jungwon's, and in that moment, all the world faded away, leaving only the two of them, bound together by love and destiny.

As Leehan watched Jungwon and Yona exchange vows, his heart ached with a bittersweet mix of emotions. Seeing his ex-crush, Yona, marry the man he once harboured negative feelings for was a poignant reminder of the love he had lost.

Despite the pain of witnessing her union with Jungwon, Leehan knew that he had to accept reality and officially let her go. In that moment, he silently made peace with his unrequited feelings, knowing that he had to move forward and embrace the possibility of finding love elsewhere.

The couple now stood before the altar, surrounded by their loved ones, the ceremony began, officiated by the village elder with solemn reverence. Vows were exchanged, promises made, and rings placed upon fingers, sealing their bond for eternity.

As the wedding ceremony unfolded, Ni-ki found himself overcome with emotion, his eyes misting over as he watched his friends, Jungwon and Yona, exchange vows of love and commitment. Caught up in the beauty of the moment, he hadn't realized that tears were streaming down his cheeks until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.

It was quite obvious as well since he was a groomsman and stood at the front side.

Turning, Ni-ki found himself face to face with Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, and Sunoo, their eyes twinkling with mischief as they caught him in his vulnerable state. Ni-ki attempted to wipe away his tears discreetly, but it was too late—his friends had already noticed.

"He's crying," Jay hoarsely exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he nudged Ni-ki playfully.

Jake joined in, teasingly wiping away an imaginary tear. "Our tough guy Ni-ki, shedding tears at a wedding? Who would've thought?"

Sunghoon chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "I guess even the strongest among us have a soft spot for romance."

Sunoo, always quick with a joke, couldn't resist adding his own quip. "I bet he's imagining himself as the bride, walking down the aisle in a fabulous gown."

Heeseung, the voice of reason among them, couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friends teasing Ni-ki. "Come on, guys, let's give him a break. Weddings always make people emotional."

As the teasing continued, Ni-ki found himself reflecting on his emotions, realizing that there was no shame in shedding tears of joy at such a beautiful occasion. With a sheepish grin, he turned to his friends, the other groomsmen, and admitted, "You know what, guys? Maybe emotions aren't so bad after all."

The groomsmen, taken aback by Ni-ki's unexpected confession, exchanged surprised glances before breaking into smiles of understanding. Jay clapped Ni-ki on the back, a proud grin on his face. "Hey, there's no shame in letting your feelings show, buddy. We've all been there."

Jake nodded in agreement, his expression one of solidarity. "Absolutely. It just goes to show that even the toughest among us have a soft side."

In the perspective of the bridesmaids, while Minji observed the wedding festivities, a pang of sorrow tugged at her heart as she couldn't help but imagine how different the occasion would have been if Wonyoung and Sullyoon were still alive. Their absence cast a slight shadow over the joyous celebration, serving as a reminder of the loved ones they had lost.

If they were still alive, they would've been right next to her as bridesmaids.

Despite the bittersweetness of the moment, Minji found acceptance in the knowledge that their spirits lived on in the hearts of those who cherished their memory, and she silently offered a prayer for their eternal peace. She also imagined that they were watching from Heaven.

As the newlyweds emerged from the castle, hand in hand, they were greeted by a shower of rose petals and the warm embraces of their friends and family. Together, they embarked on a new chapter of their lives, united in love and bound by the bonds of matrimony.

And as they danced under the starlit sky, surrounded by the love and laughter of those they held dear, Jungwon and Yona knew that their love would endure, a beacon of hope and happiness that would light their way through the years to come. For on this day, in the embrace of their love, they had found their happily ever after.

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