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🎧 Again? Again! ★ Xdinary Heroes

"Han Hyeongjun again?" Seungmin checked the class list, he entered the room. For some reason, he never talked to Hyeongjun despite being in his class for years. He wasn't even sure Hyeongjun knew who he was. Or if he had even noticed that they were in the same class.

His first class of the year was Biology. It was a subject he had neutral opinions on.

Instead of being able to sit anywhere he wanted, like most subjects, the teacher ordered them- them being the class- to go to the back of the class.

"I'll call your name in front of your seat, you'll sit over there" The teacher spoke bluntly. She went to the first row and started calling out names.

Seungmin hoped he'd be next to his friend, Kwak Jiseok.

Sadly no, he was next to some random girl.

"Oh Seungmin! You sit right here" Seungmin was in the second row, at the edge of the table of three. Right next to the window.

Another boy that Seungmin had never seen. He was slightly shorter than Seungmin and he looked very friendly.

"Hi! I'm Goo Gunil!" He introduced himself in english, this surprised Seungmin as the boy seemed to be ethnically Korean.

"I'm Oh Seungmin" The younger boy stammered.

"I moved here during summer from the us" Gunil explained slowly, making gestures with his hands so that Seungmin could understand.

"Oh, welcome!" Seungmin exclaimed quietly, Seungmin had never moved, he'd never travel out of the country.


Seungmin had to run to his next class as he had completely lost himself, despite being at the same high school for a year, he still lost himself.

"Could I sit next to you?" Gunil asked, since he was new, he still didn't have any friends. Yet. Obviously, being a huge extrovert, he could easily make new friends, but he still didn't have time to meet new people.

"Sure, at the table for four" Seungmin wondered if what he had said was right, it was if Gunil's reaction meant anything.

"So, this is Kwak Jiseok" Seungmin introduced the older boy who was sitting between him and someone random. The boy next to Jiseok was called Lee Jooyeon.

Seungmin was between Jiseok and Gunil, and Gunil was simply next to Seungmin and the alley.

The class was sitting quietly, working in their exercise books.

But that silence would be broken by a knock on the door.

"Sorry for being late" A voice from outside could be heard, the boy who had just arrived entered the classroom. He looked around and noticed the seats right next to his friends were already taken.

His friends being Jiseok and Seungmin.

He looked around the class for an empty table or a seatmate that wouldn't be annoying. Only one remained, next to Han Hyeongjun.

"I can't believe he didn't save a seat for me!" He quietly spoke to himself. Hyeongjun quietly chuckled. "Anyway, Kim Jungsu" He stuck out his hand. Hyeongjun shook it and introduced himself. "Han Hyeongjun"


Hyeongjun wasn't much of an observer, but one thing he did notice was Oh Seungmin. And no, it wasn't his looks. It was the fact that they were in the same class for ages.

It was like fate wanted them together.


Seungmin knew that anything with Hyeongjun could only be a dream. It would never be reality. He knew that Hyeongjun would never talk to him. After all, they were pretty much the opposite of each other.

Seungmin was one of the, if not the most popular guy in school.

Hyeongjun was always just... There, he didn't take much space, people didn't know who he was, he just existed. As some kind of side character. It made people think that he was boring.

Seungmin wasn't necessarily bad at school, but he would not be a star student.

Hyeongjun was a quiet, nerdy kid that always had great results.

Seungmin would always be surrounded by people.

Hyeongjun would usually be alone, inside.

Oh, and probably one of their biggest difference was that Seungmin was not straight.

And he was almost sure that Hyeongjun was straight.

Seungmin, over the summer, might've developed a tiny, nothing serious, crush.

Crush on who? The one and only, Han Hyeongjun.

It was after Hyeongjun was at his parents's restaurant. Seungmin's parent owned a successful restaurant in town.

Seungmin sometimes hung around, either staying at the entrance, or just walking around. Sometimes he'd stay in the break room.

It was one day where he was at the entrance. Hyeongjun and his parents walked in, and he just looked so handsome. Seungmin found the way he hid his face with his hoodie was adorable. And that's when he had this strange, gay, thought. That it was him making Hyeongjun hide his face like that, but not because of something normal, but rather something romantic.

From that day on, he tried to get a quick glance at Hyeongjun, even if it was just him walking around or in a shop.

That's when he knew that he definitely wasn't straight, and that he had a small, insignificant, crush on Hyeongjun.



New story!! Woo!

-Jude out!


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