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🎧 It's You ★ Gfriend / TNT (Truth&Trust) ★ Trendz

"You'll be seeing Gunil?" Seungmin asked, he was looking at himself in the mirror. He could see Hyeongjun in it, a light blush was on his face. He was discussing his plans for the day with him. Just like most of the days. Seungmin always did this to know whether or not he could hang out with him.

He could only see the reflection on the mirror of him nodding. Seungmin left his spot in front of the mirror to sit next to him. Well, on the empty desk since the chair was occupied by Hyeongjun.

"Well have fun then" He said, ruffling the younger boy's hair. Hyeongjun wanted to  take his hand away, but he liked the feeling. For some reason, anything he usually didn't like would be alright if Seungmin did it.

The introvert stood up and went to the door, he shyly waved. He thought he would be left alone but Seungmin followed him.

"You haven't eaten yet Hyeongjun" Seungmin pointed out and dragged him to the kitchen, he looked around searching for something for him to eat. The younger boy scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. He didn't like how much Seungmin was caring for him. He was used to it, and it felt extremely weird.

"I don't need anything" Hyeongjun protested, the older boy didn't want to hear anything from him. He opened the shelf and noticed a small packet. He grabbed it and looked at it, reading what was written on it.

"Sunflower seeds, in case you're hungry"  A light blush covered the younger boy's face as he received the plastic bag in his hands. He thanked him and then left the house.

The walk to the elder's house was rather short, but an enjoyable walk. There's was a tiny bit of elevation, but nothing too hard. His heart felt heavy as he knocked on the door. It was a conversation he knew he had to hold. But he never wanted to talk about it. He wished he could ignore it. If he pretended that it didn't exist, then in the end he would just end up hurting himself quite a lot. Maybe even more people with this situation.

Gunil was extremely swift when opening the door. He greeted him with a wide smile, one that could make anyone smile back. No matter how bad their situation was. That was the great thing about him. A thing Hyeongjun appreciated a lot, his smile would always make any confrontation better, easier to talk about.

The older boy guided him to his room, he was only in his basement. That was the only place he's ever gone in his house. The room was pretty big, but it didn't feel overwhelming. It was minimalist, everything, from the shelves to the bed sheets to the carpet.

The older boy plopped down on the bean bag in the corner of his room. He gave Hyeongjun two choices on where to sit, either on the desk chair or on the bed.

He chose to sit on the bed, the elder thought for a couple of seconds. He didn't exactly know why Hyeongjun was here, but the panic tone in his voice when he called made it obvious that he needed to talk.

"What's that?" He asked once noticing the untouched bag in his hands. A soft smile formed on Hyeongjun's face.

"Seungmin forced me, sunflower seeds." Gunil's eyes widened he stood up and grabbed it. A light chuckle escaped Hyeongjun's lips. "Mine now— if you don't mind." He smiled at him and put it in the second drawer of his nightstand.

"You seem conflicted" He realised that the start of this unexpected meet up might've been because of one specific boy. The barely noticeable blush on his face when saying his name tipped him off.

"You want to be quote-on-quote normal. But you realise you can't be, because of the way you see boys?" He asked, he didn't want to be sure of what he was saying. After all, he didn't want to assume anything in Hyeongjun's feelings. Or anything currently happening with him.

"That boy's Seungmin right?" Hyeongjun scrunched up his face, he still wasn't fully sure with his feelings. Specially towards a guy. A guy who he was starting to consider one of his closest friends.

"I mean, I shouldn't determine your feelings for you, but.. the way you're around Seungmin— how comfortable you seem, I think there's might be some feelings that go beyond friendship" Gunil said, Hyeongjun felt a lump forming in his throat, but he tried to push it down. Crying right now would be extremely stupid. At least that's what he was thinking.

"I mean, looking at you two, if the only thing I knew about you was that you were both gay— or somewhat, I would guess you're dating, you're so natural around each other. No matter how your relationship is, it's one that cannot be lost. Cherish it, really, keep it. But welcome change" The change he was talking about was obviously about dating. If they both had feelings for each other, and decided to continue with those feelings, fine a further relationship, things were obviously changing.

They talked for a little while longer, Gunil was helping him with figuring out who he was. Obviously, they wouldn't have a concrete answer, yet. Or maybe any time soon now. But there were some bases that were established.



Should be uploading 7 parts today, since I wrote so much when I didn't have internet 😭 I'll be uploading every 30~ minutes to an hour! Please enjoy!

-Jude out!


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