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🎧 Boom ★ Rocket Punch

"Hi" Seungmin said, not expecting Hyeongjun to answer him, just like the other days. Except he stopped, pulling the boy inside the classroom, right next to it. He made the elder sit down, across from him.

"Hey" Hyeongjun replied, he awkwardly looked around. Not really sure how I
he should start a conversation.

"I'm sorry about what Rei did" Hyeongjun apologised, Seungmin found it strange that he was apologising on someone else's behalf. Someone who had nothing to do with him.

"You can't apologise for something you didn't do" Seungmin said, he appreciated that at least someone was taking the responsibility to apologise. But it wasn't Hyeongjun's.

"We have to actually try and be friends, we keep having interruptions" Seungmin finally spoke what was on his mind for a long while. Hyeongjun nodded, he was also thinking of it.

"I broke up with Rei" Hyeongjun added, Seungmin knew that if he didn't react, then he would find it weird. So that's exactly what he did.

"Why did you break up?" He gasped, in a way that was believable enough for Hyeongjun. The younger boy thought for a while, he had a couple of reasons.

"Three main reasons, one, she outed you which is not ok" Hyeongjun started, it was a very valid reason. A small smile in the corner of Seungmin's lips appeared.

"Two, I realised that, I liked her, but something was stopping me, I dunno what it is though" Hyeongjun knew that he had feelings for Rei. But there was something holding him back. He didn't know what it was. He wasn't sure he'd ever know.

"And lastly, she's clearly homophobic, so if we're gonna be friends, I can't do that" Hyeongjun finished with his multiple reasons. Seungmin nodded, so two of the three of those reasons were homophobia.

"She seemed nicer" Seungmin muttered, trying to hide how happy he was. Obviously, his crush was single, so it's a great thing; at least for him.

Hyeongjun hummed as a simple and short answer. The two boys then paused their conversation. They simply looked at each other, admiring each other's features. Seungmin obviously was impressed by how effortlessly cute he looked. Hyeongjun, weirdly, felt his heart explode when observing Seungmin. He didn't understand why it was happening.

"You have eye liner on again" Hyeongjun suddenly broke the silence. Seungmin smiled and nodded.

"It really fits you well" He complimented him, Seungmin felt himself starting to blush. He thanked Hyeongjun shyly.

"You know, for our friendship, I think we should hang out, just the two of us" Hyeongjun suggested, Seungmin found it weird that the younger boy was talking so much. Usually he was much quieter, Seungmin would do most of the conversation.

"I think that's a good idea, we can start by eating lunch together!" Seungmin finally spoke up, Hyeongjun was now back to his silent self, he simply nodded.


Hyeongjun was sitting next to Seungmin quietly, just like before Rei, the two were hanging together, like always.

The two were against the wall, their legs were touching. Seungmin was trying to show no reaction as their hands brushed each other.

"How did you realise you were gay?" Hyeongjun asked, out of curiosity. Seungmin thought for a while. He realised that even when he was younger, he was at least to some degree attracted to guys.

"I guess I always just realised that I liked guys, but when my friends had girlfriends and I wanted to date them instead I started getting more sure, and then I had my first crush, on a guy obviously" Seungmin explained, not adding many specifics; like the way his first crush was the one who was right next to him.

"So girls aren't a distraction" Hyeongjun stated, Seungmin nodded, except, he was pretty sure the way he was starting to fall in love with Hyeongjun, it was probably more distracting than anything else.

"I guess not!" Seungmin said, with a forced laugh. Silence then filled the room. They didn't know how to continue the conversation. So in the end, they started looking at each other again.

Seungmin suddenly stood up and stuck out his arms so the Hyeongjun would follow him. The latter grabbed onto his wrist. He was confused by where he was leading him to, but didn't say anything about it.

"Where are we going?" Hyeongjun finally asked as they started running on the sidewalk. He was still holding onto Seungmin's wrist.

"I have no clue!" Seungmin exclaimed, he was simply running with Hyeongjun to run with him. But the latter made him stop.

"Well make something up!" Hyeongjun didn't want to go out anywhere without a plan. So the two stayed in the middle of the sidewalk while trying to find a place.

"We should just walk until we find some place!"



Almost 30 chapters! Woah

-Jude out!


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