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🎧 Island ★ The Wind

"Good morning" Hyeongjun greeted, a couple of minutes before his alarm ran. He was already up and changed, it seemed like he usually woke up before his alarm. Seungmin blinked multiple times; he forgot that he was staying at Hyeongjun's, so the sight of him right from the morning surprised him.

"Morning" He replied while rubbing his eyes. He checked the time and realised that it was a bit too early. Hyeongjun looked at him for a couple of seconds.

"You have nice biceps" He let out, not really thinking. He quickly apologised, what he was told made the older boy completely flustered by that compliment. Especially this early in the morning.

"T-thanks" He said awkwardly standing up. They then looked at each other for a couple of seconds, in an extremely awkward silence.


"What do you think we'll see today?" Hyeongjun didn't know what Seungmin was talking about, and the latter could tell, based on his expressions.

"Either Jiseok and Jooyeon making out, or Gunil and Jungsu being affectionate, as always" Seungmin explained, he thought for a couple of seconds. "Or both" He added, letting Hyeongjun finally think for himself.

"You sound jealous" Hyeongjun replied, taking note of the tone he used. Seungmin shrugged, he was a bit jealous of his friends, but he didn't want to be known as some kind of 'jealous jerk' in his crush's eyes.

"Well all my friends are dating while I'm stuck all alone!" Seungmin exclaimed, a bit louder than he wanted to. He quickly covered his mouth, apologising for what he said.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Seungmin paused, he made sure he heard the right thing. He blinked multiple times, he knew that something else would be coming. No straight guy would say something like that so easily, especially without an explanation.

"We could pretend to date" He added, it made more sense now. Seungmin took a deep breath, he felt a lot calmer now.

"Pretend?" Seungmin asked, this one moment was something he'd expect from Han Hyeongjun. The shy, quiet and introverted boy, that rarely had guts to do or say anything bold. He now was asking to be pretend boyfriends with Seungmin.

"Yeah, we could have a safe word and everything, in case we're uncomfortable with a situation" He explained, Seungmin nodded, a large smile started forming on his face. Although there weren't any real feelings on Hyeongjun's part, he felt over the moon.

"What safe word?" It would have to be something that they could add in most contexts. Something that was special between the two.

"Orange juice" Hyeongjun said, remembering the little habit Seungmin had of bringing him the juice in the mornings. Seungmin nodded, he found that word to be just fine.

"We could drop little hints, and then we tell them?" Hyeongjun said, the older boy nodded. He found the fabricated story to work well. While waiting for the bus to arrive at the school, which wasn't too long, they made up the story, of when they started 'dating', and how.

"We're here" Hyeongjun said, standing up. He grabbed Seungmin's arm and held onto it as they entered the school building.

They didn't have to do too much, as they both weren't exactly the biggest fans of skinship.



Short chapter but wtv!
I'm currently writing a Gayeon fanfic and I'm unsure whether or not I should publish it immediately or write all the parts before and then upload it

-Jude out!


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