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🎧Blush ★ WooAh

Tw for homophobia

Jungsu sat next to Hyeongjun in silence, usually he would try to talk to the younger boy. Except this time, he stayed completely silent. He didn't even greet the younger boy.

"I'm sorry" Hyeongjun apologised, although it may seem like it was just for assuming that he was with Seungmin, but it was also for his behaviour in the past.

"Don't worry, I understand how you could think we were dating, I'm just clingy" Jungsu explained quietly, after all, they were still in the classroom.

"Jiseok, Jooyeon stop talking, you can annoy everyone with your relationship later" Somehow, them being together even got to the teachers. Although Jooyeon shut up and stopped holding hands with Jiseok, it wasn't what the other did.

"Oh boy, things are about to get messy" Jungsu muttered as Jiseok stood up and cleared his throat.

"I just find it unfair, if this was a, quote unquote normal couple, no one would say anything, but since it's two guys, of course it's icky! Our relationship is probably less toxic than you, yet we're the problematic ones!" Speaking out like this was bound to get Jiseok in trouble. But it was the truth. Ever since their relationship got announced, almost no one would see them in the same way.

"Told you so" Jungsu whispered in Hyeongjun's ear. The latter nodded while watching the situation unfold.

"Great, then, Jiseok, you can write about it in detention tomorrow" Jiseok scoffed which made the teacher look at him.

"Anything wrong?" She asked, although the best answer here would be a short and simple "no" Jiseok wasn't like that. He'd do anything to be seen as a normal person.

"You wouldn't do this to a straight person" Jiseok said before sitting down and crossing his arms. Hyeongjun and Jungsu exchanged glances. The whole class went quiet, and almost like nothing happened, class continued.


"Go kill yourself!" Jiseok exclaimed in anger after seeing the detention paper "I should've just liked girls" He muttered while crumpling up the paper in the front pocket in his bag.

"It'll be fine, don't worry" Jooyeon tried comforting, he wasn't sure what to do. Hyeongjun and Jungsu looked at the couple unsure whether they should intervene or not.

"You know what!" Jiseok suddenly stopped right in the middle of the hallway. Jungsu who was behind him almost fell over him.

"Fuck it! I don't care what people say!" He interlocked his fingers with Jooyeon and raised their hands for everyone to see. Gunil who had now joined them didn't understand what was happening. He asked Jungsu and Hyeongjun.

"I have no fucking clue" Hyeongjun said quite frankly, Gunil nodded. "So we just watch?" He asked, the two boys that were there before nodded, confirming what he had asked.

"Yeah! Stare all you want! Lee Jooyeon and I are boyfriends" Jiseok exclaimed loudly, multiple people in the hallway looked at them.

Jooyeon looked like he didn't want to do this, but he just awkwardly smiled as Jiseok waved around their hands.

"Great, now let's go to english class" Gunil pushed the two and pushed their hands down so that Jiseok would stop embarrassing his boyfriend like that.


Hyeongjun was at his locker, trying to ignore Jiseok and Jooyeon's pda as always. He could care less that they were gay, he just didn't like seeing them act all cute in public. He wouldn't like it if it was a hetero couple.

He saw another note in his locker. This time, he decided to open it and started reading it.

"Hyeongjun got a love confession~!" Jiseok exclaimed after noticing what Hyeongjun was doing.

"Now everyone will be dating someone!" Jooyeon said excitedly, trying to read the note, but Hyeongjun was angled in a way so that only he could read it.

"It's not a love confession" Hyeongjun gently put the note in his pocket and closed his locker.

Jiseok noticed something on Hyeongjun's face, something that not even the latter had noticed himself. He whispered it in Jooyeon's ear, he observed it as well.

"Wow, Hyeongjun's blushing!" Jooyeon pointed out, it made the boy touch his face, he hadn't even realised that a light blush was on his face.

"What's making you blush!" Jooyeon tried grabbing the note from Hyeongjun's pocket but he failed.

"C'mon Hyeongjun! Show us" Jiseok pleaded, but he simply shook his head. He tried to walk away but the couple held both of his arms to prevent him from walking away.

Gunil who was at his locker slightly farther away from the three, noticed the scene and quickly closed his and freed Hyeongjun from the two.

"If he doesn't want to show, that's fine, he'll show me and I'll tell you guys" Hyeongjun chuckled and handed the note to Gunil, to let him read it.

"Oh?" Gunil said, surprised after reading the name at the bottom. He wouldn't have expected something like that.

"What happened?" Jiseok and Jooyeon asked at the same time, they looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Seungmin? Do you happen to like him?" Gunil asked, Jiseok and Jooyeon stared at Hyeongjun, their mouths left wide open before slowly turning to each other and blinking multiple times to be sure they heard the right name.

"How can someone that's not me say I like a guy when I'm not even interested in boys" Hyeongjun asked, taking back the paper and putting it back in his pocket.

"Maybe you don't know it yet"



Woo 20 chapters!

-Jude out!


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