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🎧 Call My Name ★ Sunmi

After a long day at school, of studying, working and reconnecting with Jiseok after their fight, Seungmin and Hyeongjun finally got on the bus. The latter was exhausted, most of the time he wouldn't feel like that after school, but he just needed to sleep right now.

Seungmin could tell, he was searching for something to help him sleep. He watched him still looking, since Hyeongjun was on the aisle side, he couldn't rest his head on the window.

Eventually he realised that Hyeongjun could just sleep on his shoulder. In his eyes, it would be a win-win situation. Seungmin would get a cute moment of interaction with him, and he'd be able to sleep.

"Sleep on my shoulder." Seungmin said, trying to get in a comfortable enough position for him. Hyeongjun rested his head on his shoulder, at first he made sure not to put too much weight on him to hurt him, but after being forced by Seungmin to be as comfortable as possible he pushed his head slightly more.

He thanked him and then closed his eyes, Seungmin had butterflies in his stomach, not only because he was sleeping in his shoulder. But also because of their interlocked hands, he loved this feeling.

Once Hyeongjun was asleep enough to not fully be aware of what was happening, Seungmin decided to plant a quick peck on the top of his head.

"Sleep well Hyeongjun." He whispered, he turned his head slowly to not wake the sleeping boy. He looked out of the window, it was the same scenery he saw every day on the bus. It was really regular, just some city landscape, but it still fascinated him every time. Maybe because it was also linked to all the memories he shared with Hyeongjun while on that bus.

He knew he should stop thinking of it, but his mind kept returning to that kiss. After being fully reminded, he could recall a fuzzy memory somewhere in his head.

What he was sure of, was that if he ever were to kiss Hyeongjun again sober, he'd definitely remember how his lips felt on his. He really hoped that one day he would be able to kiss him clearly.

Just to know how it felt, not only willingly, but also to remember it. But for now, at least he had the opportunity to kiss him at least once in his lifetime, even if it was extremely rushed.



"Even if it was extremely rushed", you know what else is rushed? This chapter 😭

-Jude out!

Written on: 17.07.24
Published on: 18.07.24

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