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🎧 Lucky ★ Hori7on

Seungmin's pov:

My parents have always suspected that I was gay, and I mean- how? Firstly, that is very rude to just assume that I like guys. I mean, yeah, I find many male celebrities attractive, and I haven't reacted any way like that with female celebrities. And I have never had a girlfriend. But c'mon, can't a guy live without assumptions.

They honestly wouldn't care if I'm gay or straight, at the end of the day, I would still be their son. So, yay! No homophobia at my house.

I don't know if I should be celebrating that or not... But here I am.

Anyway, I should probably start studying.


Third person pov:

"Hyeongjun-ah!" Jungsu called out, completely ignoring Seungmin who looked at him rather confused.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked Jiseok who was right next to him. Except the older boy was looking at another guy.

"Earth to Kwak Jiseok?" Seungmin snapped his fingers around Jiseok's face. It was too late though, Jungsu and Hyeongjun had already gone in the building.

"Since I'm mad at Seungmin, I'm staying with you" Jungsu walked next to Hyeongjun, who was already going to their first class, drama. He nodded as a sign that he had heard what had been uttered.

"You know, this Gunil kid comes along a steals my best friend of ten years!" He sat at his seat and took out his stuff. Hyeongjun nodded, he didn't know what to say. "I mean, what does he see in him? This shmuck that plays the drums? So what! I can play the piano!"

Despite Jungsu being an introvert, he was rather talkative. And obviously, talkative introverts exist.

"If you're really best friends, then no one can steal him away" Hyeongjun finally spoke up. Jungsu was surprised by the rather wise words of Hyeongjun.

He thought about it for a few seconds, he hummed softly. "You're not stupid" He quickly covered his mouth after realising what he had said. "sorry" he quickly added in a whisper-y tone.

The class filled in as the bell rang. The teacher started writing something on the whiteboard.

Jungsu and Hyeongjun were next to each other for quite a few subjects because of what happened with Seungmin.

"Oh no" Hyeongjun buried his head after seeing what what written.

"Fuck my life" He muttered under his breath. Hyeongjun was not a fan of group projects at all. It meant having to communicate, and most importantly of all, talk in front of the whole class.

"I've written all your names, and I'll pick three out of the jar, that'll be your group" The teacher put her hand in the jar, she read the first name. "Kim Heesoo" She called out loudly.

She continued reading the names on the paper. Hyeongjun nervously waited for his. He'd hope he'd be with Jungsu. Jungsu wanted to be with anyone except Seungmin.

"Kim Jungsu" It was the first name of a new group. Jungsu prayed in his head that the next name wouldn't be Seungmin or Gunil.

"Kwak Jiseok" She wrote the names on the board, next to a 3 meaning that they were group 3.

"Goo Gunil" Jungsu sighed loudly, but not too loud, so only Hyeongjun heard him. "Fuck my life" He hid his face in his hands. He would've been alright with anyone but Gunil or Seungmin.

"Next group, Han Hyeongjun" She started, Hyeongjun knew that being with Jungsu was impossible. "If only you and Gunil swapped places" Jungsu muttered next to the younger boy.

"Lee Jooyeon" And a couple of seconds, she read out the last name for their group. "Oh Seungmin"

Seungmin couldn't believe that Hyeongjun was in his group, an almost invisible blush appeared on his face. Jiseok, next to him, noticed his strange reaction. "I've never seen you react like that, to someone in a group project" He pointed out, there was only one person that knew about his crush. And about his unstraight nature.

And if that got out, he would loose everything, at least that's what he thinks.

"Are you... Blushing..?" Jiseok examined Seungmin's face. Seungmin quickly covered his face with the paw of his sweater. He shook his head repetitively. Jiseok found it extremely strange, but let it slide.

"So, please go in your groups" Seungmin and Jooyeon stood up and sat next to Hyeongjun. The youngest of the three was sitting across the other two, his back against the board.

Seungmin couldn't sit across from Hyeongjun. Otherwise he would have a massive gay attack.

The thing about Jungsu, is that he knew that Seungmin wasn't straight, but he didn't know who made him realise who it was, or if he was currently crushing on someone.

"I'll give you a theme, and you'll have to write a play about that theme" The teacher walked around, placing a folded up piece of paper on each table.

"Love..?" Seungmin read the theme. He was confused. The three all were. "We're all guys though" Jooyeon stated the obvious. Seungmin, as much as he loved the idea of working and acting out a love scene with Hyeongjun.

"Then we'll have to make it gay" Seungmin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"I guess so" Hyeongjun shrugged, Seungmin tried his hardest to hide the blush that was forming on his face.

"Due next month, on the 20th" The teacher called out.

That meant, Seungmin and Hyeongjun (and Jooyeon as well) would be spending time together for a month. Seungmin was afraid this tiny crush would develop into anything more.

He just wanted to have an easy, straight life.



AH! I CAN'T OMFG I CAN'T WAIT 2/3 OF MY ULTS ARE HAVING AN CB THIS MONTH! (bnd, xdh, the wind came back in Feb!)

-Jude out!


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