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🎧 H! Teen ★ The Wind

"Hey!" A friendly voice called out, Jungsu rolled his eyes.

"Not him" He rolled his head and walked away. Seungmin tried making him stay by holding onto his arm.

"Jungsu!" The boy called out, he stopped once he was in front of Jungsu. The introvert put on a fake smile.

"What's wrong, Gunil?" He continued with his fake, positive attitude.

Gunil took his phone out. "Could I have your number?" Jungsu sighed, he knew if he refused, Seungmin would be mad at him. Again. So, he nodded and typed out his number. After reminding himself of his number. Gunil thanked him and walked away.

"Why does he want my number?" Jungsu asked, quite disgusted, he wanted absolutely no links to Gunil.

Seungmin shrugged, he then remembered the project and told Jungsu. Once again, he sighed. Seungmin didn't understand why he disliked Gunil, but what he did understand was how much Jungsu disliked the elder.

"C'mon, Jungsu-hyung, you're only young once, you're not gonna spend your time being a Goo Gunil anti" Seungmin shook around the taller boy in a joking manner.

Jungsu shrugged and walked out of the school building, which meant that the two were right behind Gunil. Jungsu's 'sworn enemy' Jungsu wasn't even a dramatic person, so his behaviour was absolutely nonsensical.

"I think, you're on a fine line between love and hate" Seungmin smiled, Jungsu at first nodded but he quickly realised the love, and he shook his head repeatedly.

"Fuck no, only hate" He was expecting a normal reaction from Seungmin, but that wouldn't be what happened. He simply heard Seungmin laugh.

"Well it's one sided then" Despite Jungsu horrible attitude and treatment towards Gunil, he tried his hardest to befriend Jungsu.

Jungsu rolled his eyes, in an extremely disrespectful fashion.

"The fuck man?" Seungmin took personal offence to this, for a valid reason.

The two boys continued their friendly banter all the way to their houses. They really enjoyed spending time together, it made sense as to why they were best friends.

Although they might fight sometimes, or disagree with each other. At the end of the day, they'll always love each other. Obviously, obviously, in a platonic way.

Just before going their separate ways, Seungmin had one last thing to tell the older boy.

"Don't spend your high school days rotting away because you hate one guy" Seungmin closed the door after him.

He sat on his bed and decided to think about what he had said to Jungsu.

"Maybe I should do the same thing, except with love" But he quickly realised that he was nowhere near enough to say he loved Hyeongjun. It was simply a silly, harmless crush that he'll get over quickly anyway.



Ahh shorter chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!!

-Jude out!


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