Part 9

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At last Wei had hope of an ending to this situation he had been forced into only because it was his name on the title deeds as the owner of the old college and surrounding area. The person who was behind the scheme was looking for power and wealth, by using the ex-students as employees in his service. They would be his gifted army and no one would be able to defeat him but first he had to get access to the college records which were sealed under the ruins in the basement. Kunlun Jr wasn't as diligent with his security as his father, and he let it be known that's where the files were kept.

When Shen Wei was asked about selling the ground, he refused because he knew that it would mean disturbing the basement, and Kunlun's original programme was down there resting. He had left instructions with Wei asking him never to re-awaken him unless it was an emergency, therefore Wei had said no to the sale. Shortly after that the small headaches had started, followed by the fainting episodes and then Wei was approached again by a younger telepath who asked the same questions about the sale.

He appeared to him in spirit form making it impossible to find out where he was and threatened Wei with the lives of his staff if he didn't agree to his terms. The first step was to move closer to the project, to a house where he could be reached more easily and then work on the plans for a new building on the spare ground. The telepath was with him constantly at the beginning to show Wei how easy it would be to hurt someone before he agreed to the conditions and he moved house using fumigation as an excuse.

The next step was drugging Wei's orange juice to limit his chances of telling anyone what was happening and at the same time it would damage part of his memory. Fortunately, Black Robe protected him and Wei hid his presence from the telepath who thought that he was dealing with an ordinary human. Wei had hoped that there would be a point when he could stop the criminal but after the orange juice was cancelled, the mad man had shown no mercy in his punishment but at least no one else had been harmed.

Yunlan sat down beside Wei on the edge of the bed and held his hand as he looked at the sadness in his face.

"We can stop the telepath, but what about the person behind him?" He asked as Wei turned to stare at him before he spoke, changing the subject to something that was harder for him to think about.

"How difficult it must have been for you to accept all this madness, but here you are, in a place that some people will never see whether they are alive or dead, having to deal with impossible situations and you still have no idea of who you really are. If I open your eyes, will you walk away from me or stay and face this future?"

Yunlan could tell by Wei's sadness that he was afraid of losing him, but he also knew that if he was going to be a part of Wei's life, he had to accept this strange world, and the only way he could do that completely, would be by finding out about himself. So he leaned closer and kissed Wei with all the emotion he had been holding back as he ran his fingers through his hair before drawing back slowly.

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