Part 28

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Why had no one thought of this before? Use his host against him. It was so obvious. For a human to be able to control this powerful spirit, his mind must be formidable, therefore attack his mind but not directly because he would fight back. Give him a new purpose, a different life but it would have to be correct in the details or he would start to ask himself questions. Something he could believe in, a role where he could make a difference and would be content to live in for the rest of his life. Black Robe would be contained until the human met his end but he would make sure that he had a very long life.

Using the psychotic sadist had been distasteful but necessary to find out his strengths and now that he knew what he was facing, there was no way that he could defeat him head on, it had to be indirect.

In the beginning he didn't mind living under his shadow on the home world after the gates were closed, but when the returned criminals were explaining how they were caught and were giving statements, Black Robe became a legend which grew stronger with every prisoner.

There was one major flaw in his plan, Legends Never Die.

The powers-at-be had listened to the artist as he begged and they had agreed with him. They were just as shocked as everyone else at what was happening and had done nothing, which was their usual response to every situation until they saw the outcome of this one and couldn't sit on the fence just watching. Shen Wei was living a normal peaceful life while Black Robe was confined and silently screaming at his host to wake up and release him. The last straw was seeing Zhao Yunlan hanging off the ledge of a building willing to die, and they allowed fate complete freedom to step in and do whatever she could to rectify this situation.

Shen Wei opened his eyes and looked at the person sleeping in the next bed who was holding his hand, and he smiled. Some of his memories had been returned to him, all the best parts because he was not strong enough to cope with anything else. Guo Ying had retired to his room to rest and Guard Li had taken his place, watching as Wei smiled, and waited to see if he would speak to Yunlan, but when he reached out and touched the side of his face, the guard felt that it was time for him to leave and he teleported to give his report to Ying.

Wei left his hand resting on Yunlan's sleeping face as he remembered what was shown to him during his kiss in the office, wondering how could he could ever forget such strong emotions from someone who loved him more than life itself, and he whispered to him.

"A.Lan my love, breakfast," and watched his sleepy eyes open slowly before a small smile appeared. Yunlan wasn't hungry this morning, he was just content to lie and look at Wei. He had missed seeing this image of him for so long, that he didn't want to ruin it by asking questions.

Apep sat at the door to block anyone from entering. No one was going to change the emotions he felt coming from his master which had been absent for two years and he hissed threateningly at Ava, as she approached but instantly froze.

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