Rhythmic Laws

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Rhythmic Laws reached its last track.

This story brought me laughter and cries while in the process of writing, and I can't explain how fulfilling it is to finally finish this story.

To my readers, thank you for being here always with me. You give me more reasons to write and build my craft. You became part of me that I will forever be grateful. I do hope that the Law School Series became part of yours too and wishing it's a good story that continually inspires you to live.

We're just starting in this series and a lot of books are on its way. But I also want to say that I'll be on full hiatus this season, especially for this series. I want to build a better plot for the third book (which is now published). And to be honest, I've been super drained in writing and in my academic life, plus the SOL is a very tragic story so I might need stronger energy to continue it.

But I promise, it won't take too long.

Love, Mosie.


Rhythmic Laws (Law School Series 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon