Eight - Bathroom Bleeding

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September 4th, 1967
Mission No. Unknown
Mission No. With Five. 40

SLAUGHTER WAS AN ODD THING. Hated by everyone, considered atrocious, made people sick, the usual. Even Jay was against the idea of senseless, meaningless slaughter, it was what took her love and broke her beyond repair. But to hate war and to hate slaughter was a different matter.

Jay hated senseless slaughter, but when she slaughtered she was fully aware. She may not have been thinking, but she knew what she was doing with every swing of her axe, every pull of her trigger. Jay hated meaningless killing, but every time she took a life she served the purpose of keeping the timeline in check. Jay's kills had more meaning than she'd ever know.

So Jay hated war, but she loved slaughter. Like I said, it was an odd thing.

Five's feelings were less complicated. He hated slaughter, hated war, hated killing, and hated Jay for enjoying it. But above all else, he hated getting shot. And that's what just happened.

Jay could see something was wrong with him. She gave him a look. "You okay?"

"I'm..." Five brought his hand away from his side, it was covered in red blood. "Bleeding."

He collapsed forward. Jay caught him in an instant. She carefully lowered him down before rolling him onto his back.

"Shit." She hissed, pressing down on the wound harshly. Five's groaned loudly.

He managed a dry chuckle. "Aren't you gonna let me die?"

"As much as I'd like that, Commission rules are the only ones I'd follow and rule number one is don't let your partner die." Jay shrugged, her tone urgent but surprisingly calm.

Five scoffed. "Teacher's pet."

Jay glared at him. "Unless you want me to let you bleed out?"

Five went quiet at that. Jay looked back at his wound.

"Ballets still in you, ain't it?" She said.

Five just nodded.

"Shit." Jay repeated softly. She pressed both hands down on Five's stomach, leaning on it with her full weight. Five let out a short scream. Jay didn't flinch.

"Okay, Five, listen. We gotta get back to the motel. Can you get us there? Spacial jump?"

Five shook his head. "Too... tired."

"You know, I find a good slap in the face to be very refreshing when you're feeling tired." Jay said cheerfully. Before Five could respond she had backhanded him across the face and split his lip. "Motel! Now!"

Five gripped Jay's arms tightly, nails digging into her skin through her clothes. Audibly straining from effort, he forced a blue portal to surround them and take them away.

They reappeared in Jay's motel room. They were both suddenly on their feet, which neither of them were expecting. Jay quickly found her footing in the dark room. Five did not.

He once again fell forward. Jay wrapped one arm tightly around his body, just under his arms. With the other she pressed on his wound, which she could've sworn was bleeding more than before.

She led a limping Five into the bathroom, slapping the light switch as she passed. Jay set Five down against the bath and gripped both his wrists. She pressed them hard into his sides. Five groaned.

"Stay there." She ordered simply. She stood and yanked a cloth out her pocket, tossing it into the sink. She turned on the hot water. She left the bathroom, pulling off her jacket and dumping it on a chair. She crouched beside her suitcase and threw it open, grabbing her first aid kit.

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