Sixteen - The Drunks

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JAY AND FIVE LIKED DRINKING. Though I'm sure you've already deduced that. If they were honest, they'd both admit to having a drinking problem. Jay drank constantly, and despite what she frequently claimed, she couldn't have stopped even if she wanted to, which she didn't. Five was better, in a way. He didn't always drink, but once he started, he did not stop. So, in short, Jay and Five liked drinking, and they liked being drunk.

Jay and Five were miserable, sour, and bitter people. But when they started drinking, Jay and Five were almost unrecognisable. Jay and Five were both very happy when drunk, so you knew it's dire when they were both verging on a blackout and still undeniably miserable.

Neither of them remembered or cared how they reached the roof. They both sat, about a foot between them, legs dangling over the edge, overlooking the city. It was dark, but the lights of the city illuminated the night, the noise of cars and people filling the cold air.

Five had a sip from his bottle of vodka. "You don't think we can do it, do you?" He asked. You don't think we can save the world.

Jay either didn't have the energy or the care to lie, but she had the decency to not straight up say no. Instead she stayed silent, having another sip of vodka. It was all the answer Five needed.

He scoffed softly, shaking his head. "Then why did you come with me? And don't say because I'm not worth the hassle of hunting, I know that's not it. At least, not all of it."

Jay rolled her eyes. "Most of it."

Five looked at her, studying her new face. Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was the sleep deprivation, maybe it was the light, but he thought she looked kind of pretty like this.

"What convinced you?" He asked seriously.

Jay sighed, having a sip of her vodka. "I didn't do it for you, for starters. I didn't do it for you, or your shitty family, or even the billions of people we're trying to save. I did it for him."

Him, her fiancée. The infamous him that had such an effect on Jay's life she had signed it away to the worst people in the world.

"You gave up your career, your life, everything, for a dead man?" Five said, sceptically.

"I love that dead man more than you could ever know." Jay snapped, turning her head to face him. "More than you could even comprehend you mannequin fucker."

"Leave her out of this." Five warned, hand drifting to Delores by his side.

Jay looked away from him, having another drink. Five did the same.

"You asked me once, if I would save him if I ever got the chance," Jay said.

"Yeah and you nearly slit my throat open for bringing him up." Five said bitterly.

Jay hummed in response. "Well, it stuck with me. I don't like to think about what ifs, they never do anything good. But I couldn't get it out of my head. And I realised that if I got the chance, I couldn't turn it down." She said in disbelief. She sighed.

"If he saw me now, he'd be fucking appalled. He wouldn't even stand the sight of me, the things I've done. Even he couldn't love me now." Jay wiped her eyes. "I figured I might as well do some good before I kick it. Maybe then, when I see him in the next life, he'll take me back."

She wiped her eyes, looking away from Five. She gasped softly.

"You've ruined me, Five." She said, sad smile tugging on her lips.

Five couldn't think of a response for a while. He reached over and laced his fingers through hers.

"Let's be ruined together."

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