Forty-One - Disaster Supper

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THEY WERE QUIET. Five had stuck around and they'd spent the afternoon relaxing best they could at the mansion. But Five was restless and neither of them really liked being around so many people, so they left early for the supper. Jay tried to keep the conversations going, but Five suddenly wasn't in the mood. He was absent, locked in his thoughts. He'd squeezed her hand in acknowledgement when she grabbed it,  but other than that Five was in his own world.

Jay hated it, but she was worried about him.

"You sure about this?" She asked as they stood on the quiet street, staring up at the dark building.

"What choice do we have?" He shrugged. Five dropped her hand. "Come on."

He headed for the doors. Jay followed. Without pockets or his, she didn't know what to do with her hands.

Still, she couldn't deny she looked good. She wore a black jumper and tights under a white dress, her white and black hair half up and half down. She had a knife strapped to her thigh under her skirt and, well, she looked good. If everything went to shit tonight, Jay took comfort in the fact she'd die looking nice. Small victories, after all.

She and Five stepped silently into an elevator. Five pressed the button for the specified floor on their invite, and the doors slowly slid shut, until someone caught them.

"Wait up," Diego said as he stepped inside the elevator with them.

"Hold it." Allison called, jogging to join them.

Klaus staggered in and threw an arm around Jay. "Hey everyone."

Viktor shuffled in, a little awkward for space.

And Luther was like a barge as he settled in the centre of the elevator, forcing everyone else against the walls. "Excuse me."

"I'll try." Jay muttered, far too close for comfort.

"Good." Five said flatly. "We're all here."

"There were other elevators, you know." Jay added. Klaus just squeezed her closer.

Silence fell. A small tune tinkled above them as the elevator slowly slid up, only broken by a soft, low noise. Not a moment later, the smell hit, and everyone began to gag.

"Oh sweet Jesus."
"Oh my god."

"Sorry." Luther said. "I'm nervous."

"No excuse." Jay said, pinching her nose. "Jesus, what have you been eating?"

The doors finally slid open. It was a brawl to get out first, and soon all the Hargreeves (and Jay) were making their ways into the allocated room. The Tiki Lounge, as was written above the door in cartoonish orange writing. It was large, circular. A round table sat in the centre, surrounded by a low barrier and several bars and other tables.

"Alright, when Dad gets here I'll do the talking okay?" Five said, looking between them all.

"I've got a few questions for him myself." Diego said.

"As long as you don't stab him." Jay said, leaning against the table, arms folded.

"Yeah he might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home." Five said, coming to Jay's side. He dropped his voice to a mutter, leaning over to her. "We agreed -"

"Yeah yeah," Jay held up her hands, walking away. "I'm not allowed into the family discussion."

"Hold on." Klaus turned around, pausing on his way to the bar to wrap an arm around Jay's shoulders as she passed. "Why is she not allowed? I think, after all she's done for our shitstorm family, Jay should be an honorary Umbrella. All in favour of making Jay Eight?" He raised his and her hand. Across the room, Ben did the same.

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