Twenty-One - Five Is An Idiot

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March 29th, 2019


It was a fair conclusion, given the Jay and Five position were in and what the entire Umbrella Academy had driven into their minds.

Jay was lay on her back on the bar. Five was on top of her, the breifcase between them. Five had one hand on the handle, the other in Jay's, holding it so tight his knuckles had turned white. Jay was holding it back almost as tightly, her other hand was gripping his blazer.

The two glanced at the Umbrella Academy, at each other, anywhere but another person.

"Get off." Jay said. She let go of Five, shoving him off her.

Five fell off the bar, gripping the side to steady himself. Jay sat up, groaning softly. She let her legs dangle off the bar, feet on the nearest stool. She absently put one arm on the briefcase, leaning against it.

She was in the Hargreeves living room, Jay saw. Luther, Diego, Allison and Klaus were dotted about the room with her. She reached behind the bar, grabbing a bottle and taking a sip.

"Where have you been?" Luther asked.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked, grabbing Five's arm and helping him up.

"She get you?" Jay asked, looking Five up and down. He didn't look hurt, just dusty and dirty. The ends of his blazer was a little charred as well. Jay decided he was fine and had a sip of her drink.

"Did you just check him out?" Klaus asked. "Also who?"

Without answering, Five grabbed the coffee out of Allison's hand. He walked away, limping slightly, and downed the cup. He looked back at his family and Jay.

"So the apocalypse is in three days."

"We established this." Jay said, analysing him again. "We're you shot? You look shit."

"We just blew up half a building," Five said. "What am I meant to look like?"

Jay considered that a moment. "Good point." She drank.

Five turned back to his siblings. "The only chance to save our world is, well, us."

"The Umbrella Academy." Luther said.

"Yeah but with me and Jay obviously." Five snapped. "So if ya'll don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves were screwed. Who cares if Dad messed us up? We gonna let that define us? No. To give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead." He held up the note. "I know who's responsible for the apocalypse."

"It's not Milton." Jay said to Luther. "So don't worry, monkey boy, we don't have to kill him."

"Who the hell's Milton?" Diego asked.

"Can you take this seriously?" Five snapped.

"Remind me who just saved your ass after you called her a lapdog?" Jay said.

Klaus choked. "Excuse me?"

Allison walked over to Five, holding out her hand. Five handed her the note, rolling his eyes at Jay.

"This is who we have to stop." He said.

"Harold Jenkins?" Allison read out.

"Who the hell is Harlod Jenkins?" Deigo asked.

Five downed the rest of his stolen coffee, threw the empty cup across the room over his shoulder, and shrugged. "I don't know, yet. But I do know he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now."

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