Twenty-Two - Hargreeves Drama

206 8 3

March 30th, 2019

FIVE WOKE UP FIRST. His stomach was killing him, but it was the most rested he'd felt in a while. He remembered almost instantly what had happened, the shrapnel, collapsing, Jay. They'd got him back to his house and someone (probably Mom) had hooked him up to an IV. All in all, not a bad start the penultimate day of life as he knew it.

Jay had a less peaceful wake up. Five looked down, feeling a weight on his stomach, and found her curled up at end of his bed, passed out cold. There was an empty bottle of vodka on the floor, which explained everything, but didn't make it any less funny.

From the looks of it, Jay had been half way through writing IDIOT on his stomach when she'd dozed off. Why did she always draw on him these days? He still had the doodles on his hand, though they were starting to rub off. Jay's head was in his lap, her arms wrapped around his torso and her legs tucked close to her body. She looked almost peaceful, she always did when she slept, though often she was the opposite. Not tonight it seemed, as even as Five sat up she didn't stir.

He sighed softly, unable to tear his eyes away from her. He should've woken her, he had to wake her. They had a world to save. But he couldn't bring himself to disturb her. It was so rare she slept so soundly.

Five found himself brushing the hair from her face, silky and soft between his fingers. Jay whined softly, and Five braced himself for a broken wrist, but instead she just moved closer to him.

Ah yes, Five remembered, the looming insanity that meant Jay thought she was someone else half the time. Clearly someone else didn't mind having her hair tucked behind her ear as she selpt. He wondered if this was Julia, ghosts were hard to distinguish when asleep. He wondered who Julia thought he was, and briefly, if she thought he was him. The infamous fiancée that ruined Julia and left him with Jay. The thought made him... he wasn't sure how the thought made him feel. Not as sick as he'd expected.

"You awake?" Five asked quietly, hand still in her hair.

She whined, curling further into herself. "No."

Five chuckled lightly. Carefully, he pulled himself from under her, sitting on the edge of the bed. She whined again in her sleep, opening her eyes ever so slightly.

Her eyes shot open in confusion not a moment later and in a second she was crouched and ready. Then she sank back to her knees, holding her head. "Fuck..."

There she is. "Mornin'." 

Jay glared at him. Five smiled back.


"Hate me, I know."

She rolled her eyes, then spotted the vandalised plaster on his stomach. Her gaze softened slightly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"We didn't have time." Five muttered, pulling the IV drip out his arm. "Thanks, by the way, for..." he gestured.

"Yeah, yeah. What else am I for?" Jay said, rubbing her eyes. "You realise how many patch ups you owe me now, right?"

"Not that you ever let me help you." Five muttered.

"Well I don't need you to most the time." Jay said. "I'm not a baby."

Before Five could respond a bell rang outside. Five looked and saw Klaus ringing it. Of course it was Klaus.

"Morning lovebirds." He cooed, leaning off Five's doorframe. "Have a good night?"

"What do you want Klaus?" Five asked.

"I'm calling a family meeting. In the kitchen, now." Klaus said.

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