Fifteen - They're Both Mad

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LEAVING A SHOOTOUT IS AN ODD FEELING. Most the time it's not like in an action film where you feel super cool and invisible and ready to take on the world as something blows up behind you. No, most the time it's not like that. Sure, sometimes, like the shootout at Griddy's Doughnuts. But that was different, they knew that was coming, they were ready, and when it came they were brilliant. They were Jay and Five, the most dangerous people in the timeline.

The shootout at the Gimble Brothers wasn't like that. That was unexpected and panicky, chaotic and crazy. They didn't see it coming, and when it came they handled it horribly. They barely got out alive, saved by the distraction that was the police. A second later and Jay and Five would've died. This was how it felt to leave most shootouts, like you wanted to scream and sob.

They didn't scream or sob though. Jay and Five did not scream and especially did not sob. Still, they were shaken, anyone could see that.

They were silent, eyes darting about as if expecting their attackers to reappear at any moment. They held each other's hand so tightly their knuckles were white and their fingers hurt. But they didn't let go, because they were partners. They were Jay and Five. They were the other's rock, their focus, the thing keeping them grounded. They were all they had.

As Jay and Five made their way back to the Academy the weight of their situation truly sank for the first time. They had left the Commission, they'd broken their contacts and ran. The Commission was now trying to kill them. And as well as surviving two of the most dangerous people to ever live, they had four days to stop the apocalypse. They were fucked, in other words. And all they had was each other. Five squeezed Jay's hand tighter.

They didn't speak or break apart until they got back to the Umbrella Academy. They weren't in the mood to talk or explain themselves, but Luther and Allison didn't care. The moment they lay eyes on their brother and his strange new friend they stopped and walked over.

"Five?" Allison asked "What the hell happened to you?"

"Pleasure to see you too, Allison." Jay said, managing a grin that fooled Luther and Allison. Five heard the slight flatness in her voice though, and knew she was pretending. Keeping up the act, as she always did.

"Glad to see I have so much importance to you." She finished. Already self-conscious of seeming weak, and not wanting the two to think they liked or needed each other, Jay and Five let go of the other's hand subtly. Jay's hands slipped into her pocket, toying with the cigarette box inside.

"Well yeah, same goes for you. You both look like shit." Allison said.

Jay rolled her eyes, too tired to talk. Five just stared into space, the bag containing Delores still over his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Luther asked. "Can we help?"

He reached out to touch Five. It snapped him out of his daze and he grabbed Luther's wrist, hard.

"There's nothing you can do." He said darkly, almost sadly. "There's nothing any of you can do."

He let go and walked away back towards his room. Jay watched him go. She sighed and pulled out a cigarette and lighter.

"Hey what happened to you two?" Lither asked her.

Jay lit the cigarette between her lips. She took a deep drag before turning to Luther. She avoided his eyes as she took the cigarette out her mouth and exhaled the smoke.

"Too much for one sober night. You two go about your business, like he said there's nothing you lot can do." She placed the cigarette back between her lips and left, heading back down the stairs towards the bar.

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