Twenty-Seven - The End of Something

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JAY HAD MADE A DECISION. If she survived the night - an unlikely outcome but that's besides the point - she was going to punch Number Five's lightsout twice over and take the longest nap humanly possible. Insanity be damned, she was going to close her eyes and keep them closed for at least twelve hours, preferably more.

But first, Viktor had to go down. Jay didn't want to kill him. In fact, for the first time in a while, she specifically wanted him to live. It was an odd feeling, not exactly welcome. Jay willed herself to ignore it, smoking again despite the looks the man behind the counter kept giving her. After a minute or two the remaining Umbrellas regrouped by their allotted alley. 

"Alright. Where's Five?" Luther asked.

"Gone." Jay said, bringing the cigarette to her lips.

"Oh for the love of... where'd he go?"

She shrugged. "To see our old boss. He'll probably meet us at the theatre."

"Right, good. We're not waiting around for him, the concert starts in thirty minutes." Luther said.

"Alright. So what's the plan?" Diego asked.

"Well, I think uh..." Luther thought for a long minute. "We go to the Icarus Theatre."

"That's a location. Not a plan." Diego said.

"That's the first smart thing I've heard you say." Jay said.


"I'm agreeing with you!" She turned back to Luther. "Then what, Number One? I'm very good at killing people with no plan but even I'm out of my depth with this superhero shit. We need a plan."

Luther opened his mouth, closed it.

"What? Is that all you got?" Diego asked. "Look you wanna be Number One? Fine. But you're gonna have to get us on the same page because right now, we're all over the place."

"You're right." Luther said. "We need a plan."

Jay's eyes, that had been flicking over the building in pure boredom, widened. "Get down." She said.


"Everybody down!" She screamed, right before the gunfire started.

Commission drone, everyone of them. All in matching black suits and gasmasks, eyes glowing red. All had rifles raised and aimed. Jay didn't see how many there were before she crouched behind a counter and pulled out a pistol.

"Who the hell are these guys?!" Diego screamed over the noise, sat beside Luther behind the next counter over.

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus yelled back, sat beside Jay, hands over his ears.

"My former colleagues!" Jay yelled. "They're here to kill us!"

She peaked around the side of the counter, low to the floor, and shot. They wore in bullet proof armour that covered most of their bodies. But their side of their thighs was exposed, protected only by black fabric that did nothing to stop Jay's bullet. She hit one man, who collapsed with a yell. He stopped firing, leaving a small sliver of bullet-free space for her to stand and shoot.

She hit two men before someone fired at her. Both bullets found their place deep in their targets' skulls. Jay ducked quickly back behind the counter and heaved a sigh, blowing a strand of hair out her eyes.

Diego shot to his feet and hurled a knife. It flew through the air and into a man's chest. He stumbled back into a DJ set and must've hit a button. The lights shut off, a disco ball started spinning from the ceiling, and some very upbeat song started playing.

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