Twenty-Four - After?

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SHE SHOULD'VE BEEN HAPPY. Jay knew she should've been happy. The apocalypse was stopped, the world was saved, everything was actually genuinely going to be okay. Jay should've thrilled, but instead... she didn't know what she was.

Jay didn't know. She just didn't know. Didn't know how she felt. Didn't know what to do. Didn't know what came next. She genuinely hadn't expected to live to see this day, if it came at all. But here it was, real and definitely not apocalyptic, and here was she, alive and well.

Jay almost felt scared. She suspected it was the insanity and on-coming breakdown - something she wasn't looking forward to dealing with - but all the same a sense of dread had settled in her chest, squeezing her insides subtly.

But it would pass. Her insanity would pass and that would be that, all would be fine, and she would be... free. Free. The concept was unfamiliar to her. Free to what? Live? Leave? And go where? She wasn't Five, with some family waiting for her back at home. Anyone who ever loved her was back in the 1940s. Maybe she had some distant descendants knocking about somewhere, nices and nephews or cousins or something, but they probably didn't even know she existed. She had no one here, no but Five and the Hargreeves. Should she stay with him? Would be let her stay? Did he want her to? Probably not.

So where did that leave her? Alone and losing her mind in a decade she barely knew. Jay didn't know what to do. She didn't want to think about it. There was still time for the world to end, maybe she'd get lucky and Five was wrong.

She didn't want to think about it. She wanted to get drunk with Five and his stupid mannequin. He'd blended up a few margaritas, one of which he set in front of Dolores, sat on the bar beside him. Five had his own drink, complete with one of those mini umbrellas. Jay sat on the other side of him, her preferred good ol' whisky in hand. He'd set up a radio, and some song was playing softly while Five droned on to his plastic lover. Delusional shit.

"You think we really did it? Think we really stopped the apocalypse?" He sipped his margarita, then looked back up at Delores. "Now what?" I don't know. I'm open to suggestions."

"Let's not think about that just yet." Jay said, bringing her glass to her lips.

There was a knock at the door. Jay and Five looked at it, then each other. Jay sighed and slid from her seat.

"I got it. Wanna avoid listening to you two drone on much as possible." She muttered, leaving the living room.

She opened the front door was met with Hazel aiming a gun casually at her head. Jay looked him up and down dully.

"Hey old-timer." He said.

Jay sipped her drink. "You here to kill us?"

"Oh, shit. Sorry." Hazel said quickly, stashing his gun back on his hip, hidden under his jacket. "Old habits."

"Eh, I get it." Jay shrugged. "Do you know where Viktor Hargreeves is, by any chance?"

Hazel shook his head. Jay nodded.

"Alright. You want a drink?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

Jay gestured him through, closing the door behind him. She showed Hazel into the living room and sat down beside Five again, both turning in their seat to face him.

"He here to kill us?" Five asked Jay, not taking his eyes off Hazel.

"Says he's not." Jay told him.

"I can understand why you might feel that way," Hazel started.

"Well you attacked my house, tried to kill my family and kidnapped my brother." Five shrugged, bringing his curly straw to his lips.

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