Fourteen - Plan B Goes to Shit

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JAY DIDN'T EXPECT TO LIKE KLAUS HARGREEVES. He was stupid and weird and irritating and he smelled, all things Jay hated. And yet, at each of his stupid comments and unnecessary flourishes, Jay found the corners of her lips tugging upwards. He was funny and carefree and breath of fresh air after God knows how many years of misery and loneliness and Five. And, above all else, his bullshit story worked.

Somehow he managed to convince Meritech's staff that he was Jay and Five's dad and talked them all into Dr. Lance's office. Once inside Klaus sat down and shut up while Jay and Five spoke.

"Like I said to your children earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent I simply can't help you." The doctor explained to Klaus.

"So call 'em up and ask." Jay said, leaning on the table.

"I can't. Sorry, now there's nothing really more I can do so -"

"What about my consent?" Klaus blurted. All eyes turned to him.

"Excuse me?" Lance said.

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my kids?" His voice broke as he pointed to Five and Jay.

There came a chorus of, "What?"

"You heard me."

"I didn't touch your kids."

"Oh, really?" Klaus leaned forward. "Well then how did my son get that swollen lip then?"

"He doesn't have a swollen-"

Klaus stood and punched Five straight in the jaw. Five stumbled. Lance gaped. Jay laughed.

Klaus took a deep breath, leaning his hands on the desk. "I want it. Name, please. Now."

Lance pointed a shaking finger at him. "You're crazy."

"Wait till you meet us two." Jay grinned.

"What she said." Klaus said, picking up the snow globe on the corner of the desk. "Peace on Earth," he read. "That's so sweet."

He smashed it against his forehead. The water and his blood mixed, dripping all down his face. Bits of glass stuck to his skin. He was effectively covered in glitter.

Jay watched with a proud and sadistic smile. It caught Five's eye.

"Oh I want in on this." He said. Before she could move, Five punched Jay in the jaw. She stumbled back, staring at him with wide grey eyes. She took her hand away, revealing a wide, amused grin. She laughed, noise filling the room. They may be useless, but damn the Hargreeves were fun.

Lance fumbled to pick up the phone. Klaus snatched it from his hand, voice shaking and cracking with every word.

"There's been an assault... in Mr. Big's office and we need security now. Schnell!" He yelled. He tossed the phone aside and turned back to Lance. "Now here's what's gonna happen, Grant."

"It's Lance."

He was ignored. "In about sixty seconds two security guards are gonna burst through that door and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood and they're gonna wonder what the hell happened? And we're gonna tell them you," his voice broke. "Beat the shit out of us."

Jay smiled at him, sitting on the desk beside Klaus, pushing her new fringe out her eyes. "Unless... you could get us that name. Ya know that be real helpful Grant."

"I'll do whatever you want." Lance said.

"We want that name." Five said lowly, leaning his hands on the table beside Jay.

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