Twenty-Five - The White Violin

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JAY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING WITH HERSELF. Diego had left with the guns. To give to the police or shoot Hazel and Cha-Cha with, she didn't know. She didn't care much either, really. Five had vanished somewhere or other with Delores. Probably fucking her, she thought dryly, sipping her whiskey. Jay was getting drunk, and was extremely bored.

She wanted to think about what to do with her life now she actually had one and the choice, but whenever she tried she just freaked herself out and ghosts started clawing at her throat. She shouldn't have told Hazel about it all, she knew. It stirred memories and ghosts that really didn't need stirring.

When the door opened, just as the sky outside started to darken, Jay was eternally grateful for the distraction. She slipped from her seat, legs slightly wobbly as she made her way to the hall and was met with...


He turned to her. His eyes were red. He was shaking slightly. He looked exhausted. He looked relieved to see her, something Jay wasn't used to. Most people started running and/or screaming at the sight of her.

"Jay." He breathed, walking over slowly, almost hesitantly.

"Hey," she said, walking into the hall. She set her glass on the table in the middle before making her way over. Viktor shrunk into himself slightly as she got closer, almost scared. Of her or of himself, Jay couldn't tell.

"You alright?" She asked, reaching out slightly. "We were lookin' for you, me, Five, Klaus and Diego. We couldn't find you. Your boyfriend... we thought-"

Viktor stifled a sudden sob with his hands. He shook his head slightly, and Jay just nodded. She touched his shoulder gently, and he didn't pull away or flinch Jay pulled him into a hug. Viktor clung to her.

"Is Allison...?"

"She's alive." Jay said. "We got her back in time. Your mom saved her. She's fine, or will be. I think she's still asleep." She may never speak again but you don't need to know that. Yet.

Viktor sighed shakily. "Thank God."

"Yeah." Jay muttered, rubbing his back gently. "Yeah you're alright. She's alright. It's all alright."

She heard footsteps above them, heavy and quick. She glanced up towards the balcony and saw Luther staring down at them.

"Viktor." He said.

He broke away and turned to look up at Luther, who started down the steps.

"Jay says Allison's okay." He said hopefully.

"Yeah." Luther nodded. "Yeah she survived."

He reached the bottom of the stairs. Viktor met him there. Jay leant against a pillar leading to the living room, cigarette between her lips and lighter in hand.

"What happened?" Luther asked.

"We got in an argument, things got out of control." Viktor said. His voice broke. "I didn't mean to hurt her. Please you have to belive me."

"I do." Luther said.

"It was an accident." He insisted. "I was- I was angry and... it just happened. Could I see her?"

"She's resting now." Luther said. "Maybe later."

"Is it okay if I wait here for a bit?" Viktor asked softly, fidgeting slightly.

"Of course. This is your home." Luther said gently.

Jay's eyes narrowed. Something was off. He was off. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said." She told him, bringing her cigarette from her lips.

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