Forty-Three - Morning Massacre

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Date unknown, month unknown, 1982

THE LONELY LODGE INN, located in Oshkosh, Winsconsin, was not what Jay expected. Maybe she was just cliché but she'd hoped for something more... dramatic, formidable, exciting. The building was boring and the surrounding street even more so. The most exciting part was the people;  dressed in traditional polka outfits that boardered on offensively stereotyped.

The elephant in the room - well, carpark - was loud and incessant. But Jay had spent the two months with Klaus. She'd gotten very good at tuning such things out. Yes, she was here to do the one thing she'd vowed to never do again. Yes, she was tempted to blow her own brains out right here right now. And yes, she saw the irony that she didn't even have a gun on her, just a knife strapped to her thigh beneath her skirt. A nice one. She was very fond of that knife and was rather hoping to drive it into The Handler's neck before all this was done.

She was obviously ignoring her main issue. Actively. She was here to kill the Board of Directors. She was here to do The Handler's bidding. The thought made her want to vomit. The thought made her want to kill someone, everyone. It made her blood boil and her stomach churn and her mind race. She hated it. She hated it so much she thought she might die.

So she didn't think about it. Avoidance was the sweetest song she'd ever sung. Knowing she was doing it was a bit of a mind-fuck, but Jay couldn't honestly care. Her mind was already fucked. Anything but feel the real weight of what they were about to do.

The Lonely Lodge Inn was actually quite nice. And old buildings, refurbished into a hotel or hall or something for events. Old stone walls and wooden beams. The building itself was nice, but the furniture was shit. Cheap, likely fake wood and downright weird taxidermy. Strange posters and fake plants littered the place. And the polka people. Just the sight of them gave Jay a headache.

They headed towards a woman. She wore the same costumes as everyone, and was hunched over a table arraging a display of some sort. Apparently the Winsconsin Polka Association was in town.

"Excuse me," Five said in that sickly sweet voice he used to lie.

"Uff da!" The woman jumped with a grin. "You snuck up on me there. If you're looking for the cookies we don't put 'em out till 3:00."

"I can hardly wait." Five lied with a shrug. Sometimes he forgot he was a kid again. "Uh do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?"

"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room." The woman pointed down the hall. "You looking for your mom? She in for the convention?"

"Sure." Jay said with a fake smile. She nudged Five. "Shall we?"

"Hey, could I get some change?" Five asked the woman as Jay walked away.

"Oh sure. I'll just look in my purse." She zipped open the bag strapped to her middle, muttering every penny aloud.

Jay gave Five a look. What the fuck?

Five shot one back. Fuck off.

Then he smiled at the woman as she resurfaced with a grin. "You... are... in luck, Mister." She handed him a few coins.

Five nodded at her. "You know some say the best luck is to die at the right time."

"That's great, Five." Jay grabbed his sleeve and dragged him away, sending the thoroughly confused woman an apologetic smile.

They headed down the hall, polka people all around. Jay didn't question Five as he stopped suddenly, backtracking a few steps until he reached a vending machine. Arguably, it looked out of place against the mahogany desks and rough stone walls, all cheap plastic and bright lights, illuminating the probably out of date snacks within. All the same, Five dropped his coins in and pressed the button for one Fudge Nutter chocolate bar.

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