Four - Partners!?

347 7 2

Month Unknown, Date Unknown, 1955

JAY LEANT AGAINST THE WALL OF THE COMMISSION. She was outside, watching the people wander about her business. A few people stopped and stared at her, more watched her subtly. Jay saw them all. No one could watch her without her knowing. Still, she only glared at the more obvious ones. She may be famous among these people, but she wasn't a fucking zoo attraction.

She was toying with the idea of a cigarette. Smoking wasn't allowed on the grounds, and deep down Jay knew she'd never break protocol. But her fellow employees disagreed. Most the people outside were smoking, and if the wind blew the right way, she'd get a whiff of second-hand smoke. It was better than nothing.

She hadn't been waiting long. When The Handler asked to see you, she was always on time. She'd asked to meet Jay outside, Jay had no idea why. But, right on time, The Handler strode across the yard towards Jay. Her heels clacked against the stone, her statement grin plastered across her painted lips. Those around her avoided her like the plague,
nothing was out of the ordinary. Except the man trailing behind her, looking very uncomfortable.

Jay moved away from the wall. She stood up straight, nodding respectfully as she walked over. "Handler. To what to I owe the pleasure?"

"I'd like you to meet someone." The Handler grinned.

"Who?" Jay asked, eyeing the man behind her. He was already glaring at Jay.

Oblivious to the two already glaring at each other, or just not caring, The Handler stepped aside and pushed the man gently forward.

He was about Jay's age, maybe a little older, maybe just not ageing as well. He had short neat hair and moustache, both completely white. He wore a simple suit, black instead of blue, Jay noticed. Something about him was familiar, but she couldn't quite place him.

The Handler lay a hand on his shoulder. He cringed at her touch. "Jay, Number Five. Five, this is Jay."

"Pleasure." Jay lied.

"Do you know him?" The Handler asked as if Five wasn't there.

"Of him," Jay said. "He's the second best assassin in the Commission and can time travel without a briefcase."

Five opened his mouth, but The Handler cut him off.

"You keen on him?" She asked.

Jay shrugged. "Suppose."

The Handler's grin widened. "So you'll be happy working with him?"

Jay let her surprise show. The man only cringed again. "What?"

"He's your new partner." The Handler said.

"I work alone." Jay and Five said at the same time.

They locked eyes. Jay's face was filled with surprise and challenge. Try it, I dare you. Five rose to the challenge without hesitation, shrugging off The Handler and walking towards Jay. Much to her amusement, Jay was a few inches taller than him. She looked down at him, Five glared back up.

Realising he wasn't gonna back down, Jay spoke. "Watch it, newbie."

"I've worked here two years." Five said.

Jay scoffed. "Cute."

"Fuck off." Five rolled his eyes. "And I'll have you know I'm the best shot here."

"I think that'd be me, doll."

"The fuck did you just-"

"See?" The Handler clapped her hands. Five glanced at her over his shoulder, but didn't move away from Jay. Jay didn't take her eyes off Five.

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