Chapter 48 - Set in stone

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That night Avadis lent out over the balcony for a second time trying to take in all of the sights and smells of the great city which rose up the mountain side to such a height that she could almost dare to see over the walls of Mordor into the fires itself from where she was seated. Seated, yes come now to think of it, she probably should not be seated on the edge of the balcony (especially with her leg in such a condition) however she did so all the same. The battle had wounded her body, not her ability to balance.

To one side of her lay her notebook which was precariously open and wobbling slightly in the breezes, pages flapping gently. She had come outside with the intention of mapping out the stars of the sky above her head to add to her ever growing star map collection she had created over the years. This plan had quickly come to an end with the sad realisation that a low cloud hovered over the sky that night which blocked the stars from even her keen watchful eyes. So instead she had taken to dangling her bare feet from the edge of the stony wall, and enjoying a time of quiet and calm. 

That was until a wizard walked into her room. 

"Avadis what on earth are you doing sitting out there like that!" He strided through the room and quickly out onto the balcony. "I had come here expecting you to be resting! Not completing some kind of dare devil trickery on any poor passers by below you!"

She smiled to herself at her friend's antics before looking over her shoulder. "But I seem to remember a time where you would join me in such dare devil trickery. Is this not so different to the forest branches back home? Come on, join me. It is a beautiful night."

Gandalf's grumbles increased in volume as he walked closer to the balcony, resting his staff against the wall before leaning his arms on the balcony next to her and joining her in watching over the city below them. He sighed and relaxed, his breath making a foggy cloud in the cool air which travelled up to join the other clouds high in the sky. Avadis breathed out as well, however in a much more forced way which made a weird high pitched sound that made Gandalf chuckle from beside her. 

"I have come from the healing houses. I am sure you will be pleased to hear that Eowyn is on the mend. I expect she will recover fully, though it may take some time." 

Avadis was overjoyed to hear that her friend was recovering. "I shall have to visit her when I next have the chance, give her some company in such an unfamiliar place." Her mind was taken back to when Eowyn had given her the same company during her time in Rohan. 

"I believe there may be another who is also thinging of keeping her company during this time" Gandalf said with a slight twinkle in his eyes, making Avadis turn her head to look at him with a frown. 

"Who is this that you speak of?" She crossed her arms with a frown, "Gandalf, have you been match making again? At such a time as this!" 

He raised his hands into the air "I do not claim any part in this match making, do not blame it on me! I simply know of a certain Captain of Gondor who looked upon her even in her darkest hour and fell into as he described it... a dream."

Her eyebrows went up in surprise, "A Captain of Gondor? The only I have heard of was your companion set out from Rivendell, may he rest peacefully. There are others here too?" 

"Indeed, infact it is his brother Faramir of whom I speak. I would not be surprised if you meet him in your visits to your friend." Gandalf laughed as Avadis comprehended everything he was hinting towards her, "do not stress yourself too greatly yet Avadis. Eowyn is a smart girl, she will take much effort to win over." Avadis laughed and nodded her head in agreement. "As is another young girl that I know..." Gandalf left his sentence hanging in the air, making Avadis' heart race.

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