Chapter 7

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Jaune had no idea if Team RWBY had gone after Blake, found her, resolved the issue, or if they were in the process of any of that. He'd have loved to help but for the fact he woke up with next to no aura and had to be rushed to the infirmary yet again. His team were not happy campers about that, and he didn't have any explanations he could realistically give them. He could only deflect and laugh about how it was happening on a weekend and promise to take it easy.

Oobleck came around as well to ask what happened and see if he'd learned anything new, but there wasn't anything to really talk about. He'd knowingly used his Semblance to force the change of a dream and paid the price in aura for it. Oobleck asked him if he felt the situation warranted it, to which Jaune said he felt it had, and the conversation was over. He was to rest, recover, and take the chance to sleep while hopefully most people would be awake. And so, he slept. He slept through the day and until dinner, when he awoke to his team and was allowed to leave the infirmary and grab a meal in the cafeteria.

"It's only low aura and exhaustion so I'm allowed in and out as I want," explained Jaune. "I'm not actually injured or sick."

"There's obviously something wrong," said Pyrrha. Concern dripped from every word. "Having your aura be drained in the night isn't normal. I've never heard of anything like that."

"Doctor Oobleck says it's not unheard of. He thinks it's a hypnic jerk mixing with my undiscovered Semblance." He shrugged, leaving it hanging at that even if it wasn't a very good explanation. "I'm not actually at any risk from this, guys. It's not like my aura is draining in the middle of a fight or even a life of death situation. You don't need to worry so much."

"I suppose the teachers would be more concerned if it were dangerous," said Ren, nodding along. "It's just an inconvenience, then?"

"What if he never finds a way around it. What then?"

"It's way too early to be worrying about that, Pyr." Jaune laughed and nudged her arm, though she didn't look very comforted. "Come on, you're being ridiculous. I missed a morning of a weekend. That's it. My aura is back up at three quarters now. I'm good." He looked around and said, "So, any idea where Team RWBY is?"

"Ruby said they were headed into Vale for team business," said Nora. "They looked a little spooked. Or, well, her, Weiss and Yang did. I didn't see Blake."

Little wonder. It was good news they'd gone out, though he couldn't tell how much he'd contributed. Maybe Ruby always intended to go find Blake, maybe it was just her fears he'd helped deal with, but whatever it was he was glad he could help at all. He'd still have felt better if he could get out there and help find Blake as well, but then again Blake had little reason to trust him and more to avoid him after her last dream.

If I could direct my Semblance then I could reach out to her dream, but I don't think my range is that high. He'd so far only had dreams from people in Beacon, and those were low odds if he could reach Vale. There were ten thousand times as many people in Vale as Beacon after all. With any luck, no one in Beacon would be asleep.


Someone in Beacon was asleep.

Other than him.

Jaune would have shaken his fist at the dreamscape sky and screamed "damn you circadian rhythm!" but for the fact that there was no sky. He was inside a building of sorts. He said "of sorts" because it was constructed of impossible geometry with upside down staircases, archways in walls with mist inside, and never ending pillars going up and up and up, as well as down and down and down. Walkways criss-crossed above and over the empty chasm to an endless fall, and each walkway was connected either to a doorway, a staircase or an upside-down staircase.

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