Chapter 23

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Jaune felt at least a little bad for the hell he'd put Team RWBY through. Ruby was like a woman possessed – or a young girl possessed – driving her team through early morning exercises into late-evening spars that even Team JNPR got involved in occasionally. They were ruthless events, especially whenever one of Ruby's team would end up against her. Weiss had literally tried to kill her for all the early mornings.

But Ruby was happy and bright and full of laughter, and it was hard not to feel pleased about his involvement in that. It helped that Team RWBY had no idea, so Blake, Yang and Weiss couldn't drag him into a dark classroom and murder him.

He could also pretend to be a sympathetic ear when Yang was complaining to him.

"It's awful! Every morning, as early as six, she has that damned whistle. Blake distracted her while I flushed it down the toilet and she only went and got another!"

"Maybe Ruby just really wants you all to be the best you can-ow!"

Yang withdrew her finger from his ribs. "I'm complaining to you. Your job is simple. Agree with me, call Ruby a monster, make me feel better."

"Ruby is a monster and you're in the right."

"Thank you!"

He hadn't had many big dream wandering moments since Ruby. Most nights he spent in the dreams of people he just didn't know, and many of whom he couldn't find even in the dreams. They were simple things like monsters chasing them, teeth falling out – and one case of a "naked in class" moment which had Jaune hiding his face. At least it had been another guy so Jaune didn't have to worry about accidentally perving on anyone.

His efforts to track Amber's killer had continued as well, but no longer with him forcing his way into people's dreams and forcing her face upon them. He had instead become more of an observer, watching and trying his hardest not to intervene too much and use up his aura. Doctor Oobleck seemed pleased with his progress and said he should keep doing that and only intervene if he really felt he had to. He hadn't needed to intervene with Ruby but he'd wanted to, and Doctor Oobleck decided that was acceptable.

"It's your Semblance at the end of the day," he'd said. "When I tell you when to and when not to use it, I am talking in generalisations and for your health. Ultimately, you must make your decision at the time based on the information you have available, and if you decide it is worthwhile losing some aura to interfere in someone's dream, then I shall stand by your decision."

He'd taken that to heart – and been unafraid to tweak little things here and there.


Jaune's feet crunched on the pale gravel of a house driveway, stood next to Glynda Goodwitch in a black suit. He was taller, older, and morose. Glynda sighed, and said, "This never gets any easier," before she reached out and knocked on the door.

Confused, Jaune glanced about, noticing the absence of any neighbours and the way this house stood alone in an empty void. Glynda didn't see it, trapped in a dream that would surely become a nightmare soon enough. Jaune took a deep breath. It was one thing to be in the dream of a fellow student, but now he was in the head of a woman much older than him, and who knew about his Semblance. If she remembered this, she'd know he'd been here, so he didn't want to be too blunt with his changes.

The door opened and a man and woman appeared. They looked so normal, so typical, and yet the shadows behind them loomed ominously. "Yes?"

"Mr and Mrs Pike. My name is Glynda Goodwitch, instructor at Beacon Academy." She broke off and took a deep breath. "I'm here about your son. May I come in?"

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