Chapter 13

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This was how he died.

Pyrrha was glaring unhappily at him, Weiss scandalously, Blake with a raised eyebrow and Yang with no small amount of amusement. The contrasting thoughts and feelings around the cafeteria table clashed in violent waves and it was all Jaune could do to remain perfectly still. He'd been taught in Ansel that some predators hunted via movement, and that even against Grimm you'd have a better chance avoiding detection if you didn't move a muscle.

Bright, luminescent green eyes peered into his, blinking and shifting darker and brighter colours as a small head slowly tilted from left to right. Then, with a satisfied nod, the girl shifted around so her back was to him and plopped herself down in his lap. She reached for his knife and fork and started eating his breakfast.

"So..." said Yang, much less annoyed by another girl in her maybe-boyfriend's lap than she ought to be. Or than Pyrrha actively was. "Are you going to introduce your new friend to us?"

"I... I... I mean I would..." He laughed awkwardly, unsure where to put his hands and instead leaving them hanging down the sides of the bench. "If I had any idea who she is, what she's doing here or why she's eating my breakfast." The girl in his lap half-turned and patted her belly. "Okay, thanks for answering one of those questions but I was kind of hoping for the other two."

He was sure he'd never been in her dreams before – absolutely certain. There weren't so many that he couldn't remember the faces of those he'd visited, and he highly doubted Amber had lost a foot or two of height. The bright green eyes were a dead giveaway too, because the only girl with black hair he'd been in the head of was Blake.

"Jaune," said Ruby, patiently, kindly, sweetly. "Are you cheating on my sister?"

Jaune choked.

"Yeah, Jaune," teased Yang, wriggling her eyebrows. "Are you cheating on me?"

"N-No! I-" He groaned when they both burst into giggles. "Thanks, you two. Real mature. Can't anyone see I'm a little out my depth here? And I'm hungr-mph!"

The girl in his lap twisted and pushed a bagel into his open mouth, smiled brightly and held it there expectantly. He took a bite out of it – he might choke otherwise – and her smile widened even further. She drew it back, letting him chew and swallow, but then pushed it back against his lips the moment he had, forcing him to take another bite.

I'm being fed by a strange girl sitting on my lap...

"Am I – mph – dreaming right now-?"

"Is this the kind of dream you normally have?" asked Weiss. "That raises some disturbing implications."

"Pot meets kettle, little miss daddy issues."

"Excuse me!?"

"Nothing!" yelped Jaune. He thought he'd whispered that a lot quieter than he apparently had. And this might not be a dream after all if Weiss had that kind of reaction. His nervous laughter was cut off as the girl fed him some more of the baked treat, making him finish it off. She then went back to spooning some egg into her own mouth, before turning with the last bit on the fork for him. By that point he'd given up all hope of escape or reason and opened his mouth. "Ahhh-mnh. Thank you."

"I have no idea what is going on here," admitted Ren.

"You're not alone, Renny. You're not alone. Oh! Maybe I should feed you."

"Nora, no, wai-ack! Mph!"

The new struggle off to his left drew a few snickers from Team RWBY but it was nothing overly new and exciting, not like his plight, so they soon went back to watching him like he was early-morning entertainment. His desperate and silent pleas for help went unserved, and when he looked to Pyrrha for aid he found her angrily eating her breakfast and refusing to look at him.

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