Chapter 54

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Jaune handed off the necklace to Oswald as proof of Trivia's breaking away from Roman. He offered to go and hand it to Roman himself as proof, but he was told to stay on Amity or at Beacon – whichever he needed to be at – and keep out of trouble. Jaune got the feeling it was General Ironwood not trusting him, or maybe they wanted to ask Roman things that they didn't want him hearing.

Whatever the case, something good must have happened because there was a notable shift in the security forces from Atlas. Suddenly, there were many more on Amity – and a bunch at Beacon as well. Returned even though Ozpin had as good as thrown them out before. In a sense, they had an excuse now that "Ozpin" had retired. The official story was that Glynda had rescinded the order as the new headmistress, on the promise that Ironwood and his people would be on their best behaviour.

And hey, his team didn't get nearly gunned down when they came out for breakfast so that was an improvement.

Not that his team were overly thrilled when he told them.

"I can't believe you met with her again," groaned Pyrrha. "She's a criminal!"

"Not by choice," he defended. "Cinder forced her."

"Jaune, she wasn't a saint before that either from what you've told us."

"Yeah, well, she had a rough upbringing."

"They had none!" Pyrrha argued, pointing at Ren and Nora.

Ren chuckled, while Nora tried to look offended but couldn't quite manage it. She was too busy holding the black bra from Trivia, that Nora had found and stolen from him, against her own chest. Nora was bigger, but not by much, which seemed to shock her given how short the other girl was.

At least none of them had actually believed he'd slept with her.

Though it was a little insulting to have them discard the possibility so quickly. Like, he hadn't, but he could have. Maybe. It was a possibility, okay? They didn't have to look like the idea was so unlikely!

"This is a girl who was able to sneak onto Amity despite security and corner you in a restricted area, Jaune. A girl who has by your own admission snuck into our dorm more than once."

"And harmed no one, I'll add."


"Are you jealous?"

"Of what!?" Pyrrha growled. "I can walk in on you in a shower and throw a used bra at you if I want to. It doesn't mean anything!"

"A smaller bra," Nora just had to comment.

Pyrrha fixed her with a death stare worthy of Weiss Schnee.

"I'm just saying, like, this girl is stacked for how small she is. There's a word for that, isn't there?"

"Shortstack," said Ren.

"That's it. Short— Wait..." Nora eyed Ren. "How do you know that?"

"I am a man, Nora. I know these things."


"There's nothing suspicious with me knowing about girls, Nora. Stop giving me that look! Jaune, defend me!"

"I'm a little busy here, pal." Jaune was backed into a corner by an increasingly irate Pyrrha. "Look, it's not like I let my guard down. I had my aura up. But I know her. I know her better than almost anyone else does. And if she wanted to hurt me, she's had plenty of opportunities before. Trivia is misunderstood."

"That's the same excuse Blake uses for the White Fang!"

"Yeah, but that's Blake. She'd call blue red if the White Fang were involved."

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Where stories live. Discover now