Chapter 5

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Jaune wasn't overly surprised when his team came around immediately after breakfast to check on him. Blake must have told them in the cafeteria about her meeting with and taking him to the infirmary, and they looked worried. More worried than they needed to in all honesty. He did his best to assure them everything was fine and that they needn't worry, but he could tell they did anyway. On the bright side, they'd brought him some food from the kitchens. Aura drained or not, he was still ravenously hungry.

"Yang suggested it," said Pyrrha, unable to take any credit when it wasn't fully due. "We were all too worried to think straight, but she said we should bring you some food to cheer you up."

"That was good of her," said Jaune, picking at his bacon. "And you don't need to worry, I'm fine. Doctor Oobleck just thinks my aura is using itself up to fight off an infection. I'm not sick or at any risk. I'm just tired and not good to train today."

"We'll still worry," said Nora. "You're our fearless team leader."

"You should have woken one of us up if you didn't feel well," added Pyrrha.

"It wasn't that I planned to come here or anything." Jaune sighed and set his fork down. "I just wanted a walk to clear my head and Blake was doing the same. It was her who dragged me here and handed me off."

Not much had happened during that. Blake had been quiet. Troubled. He doubted he would have been able to tell if not for knowing what her nightmare had involved, but with that added context her silence made all too much sense. He knew she was happy to take him to the infirmary if only because it gave her an excuse to stay awake and escape her nightmares. A nightmare he had made worse despite his efforts to the contrary.

"If there's anything we can do..." suggested Pyrrha.

"You can take this sick note to the teachers so I don't get in trouble." He handed one over, signed by Oobleck. "Miss Goodwitch almost bit my head off when she found out I was sick before. I think I've got a get out of detention free card from her."

Ren smirked. "I wouldn't test that if I were you."

"Tell me about it." He heard the bell sound. "You should head off. I'll be fine."

"We'll see you later," promised Pyrrha.

He watched them go and then settled back. The pillow was soft and inviting, and it had been for a few hours now. He'd kept himself awake however, afraid to fall asleep with others likely sleeping around Beacon. Now with lessons started he felt safe in closing his eyes.


If he did dream then he didn't remember it – and that was likely a good sign. He woke again hours later, a little more rested though still slightly out of it. He opened his eyes with a yawn, refreshed but still tired. The infirmary was brightly lit as it always was, but the seat next to him was not empty as it ought to have been. He expected his teammates again but was surprised to see it was a dark-haired girl with an open book in her hands, one leg crossed over the other as she read.


Her bow twitched. He didn't think he'd have seen it if he wasn't paying attention. "You're awake," she said, lowering her book. "How are you feeling?"

"Uh. Fine. Well, better." He checked his scroll, which lay on his bed. "I'm at ninety-five per cent aura, so I think I'm good." He couldn't help it. "Why are you here?"

Luckily, she didn't take any offence. "Because Yang and Ruby dragged Weiss and I here, and then the three of them proved incapable of staying quiet and got thrown out by the doctor." There was a slight curl to her lips, and he could just tell it was another argument between Yang, Ruby and Weiss. Those happened all the time. "As the only one capable of keeping my mouth shut around an injured person, I was allowed to stay."

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Where stories live. Discover now