Chapter 41

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"Are we cool?"

"Jaune, I will stab you."

Ren was still in a surly mood the next morning, though that might have had more to do with what Beacon's rumour mill was throwing around than what actually happened. It turned out that when news had spread of loud banging, shouting, a torn-up dorm room, detentions with Glynda and then even more noise of pillows striking one another and straining mattress springs, people tended to jump to conclusions.

Terrible conclusions.

"So, was Ren topping or is he a power bottom?"

Jaune eyed Yang, his literal girlfriend, who looked far too excited at the idea of her boyfriend being pegged by another man for Jaune's liking. "What...?"

"That's the rumour," she said. "Team JNPR gets busted for huge orgy."

"What on Remnant is wrong with people here?" Ren groaned.

"Hormones," said Blake, listening in partially because she was there but mostly – Jaune suspected – because she was intrigued. He wasn't touching that with a ten-foot pole. "This is a school filled with hormonal teens who are being worked up everyday through combat and competition. Tensions are high, blood is boiling, and there isn't nearly as much sex as everyone thinks. So, they make up sex. Imagine it's happening in every dorm except their own. Wild and rampant sex."

"Blake has been in her books," Yang explained. "If you can't tell."

"We can tell," Jaune and Ren said as one.

"Nothing like that happened," Ren added. "We had a... disagreement."

"Isn't your dorm a complete wreck?" asked Ruby.

"It was a spirited disagreement."

"Like, the beds are gone and the janitor was carrying out the broken frames today."

"It was an exceedingly spirited disagreement."

"No kidding," said Yang. "Is the disagreement still spirited? Or is it fixed?"

"The fact that Jaune is eating breakfast and not clutching at my fork lodged in his left eyeball should answer that question."

The girls of Team RWBY stared at Ren. They were used to him being a quiet observer throwing in the odd comment to calm Nora down. None of them had ever seen him like this. Then again, no one had ever seen Pyrrha Nikos with a split lip and a bruise over her eyes, but Nora could get really spirited when she was pillow-fighting. And there had been a lot of anger – sorry, spirit – for them to work out.

Simply put, Team JNPR was a mess.

But a contented mess.

Ruby rubbed her jaw and hummed. "Hmmm..."

"NO!" said Yang, Blake and Weiss at the exact same time. "We have enough detentions to last us the year," added Weiss. "We are not adding more. I'm surprised Miss Goodwitch hasn't snapped and murdered us already."

"Eh. People get in trouble all the time."

"Normal trouble!" Weiss hissed. "How many times do you honestly think she's had to pick up students from a docks turned into an inferno? Or pick them up after crashing a mech through a major road? Or come and catch the ceiling of the cafeteria before it collapses because some students somehow turned a food fight into a literal demolition of a building!?"

"Eheh. Now that you mention it, Miss Goodwitch is really patient."

"Yes! And I don't want to see if her patience has a limit!"

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Where stories live. Discover now