Chapter 47

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There were many benefits to Oswald's lessons, such as improving team unity (in hatred against him), reducing discipline issues (because even Team RWBY were too tired to cause issues), and of course teaching them the valuable lesson that fitness was a never-ending journey as opposed to a destination you could stop at. That, and the fact that for every Professor Port who would let you sleep in lessons, there was a Professor Oswald who would throw you against a Grimm armed with a stick and a rock and tell you to "get creative".

Did Jaune feel bad for unleashing the monster on Beacon? Sort of. It was hard to feel guilty when his waking moments were spent feeling muscle cramps. Team JNPR had stocked up on creams that made your skin heat up to soothe muscles, and they'd all become amateur masseurs by necessity. Everyone hated Oswald. Everyone.

Except Pyrrha.

Damn her to the worst nightmares imaginable.

Sweet, innocent Pyrrha was so enamoured with Oswald that Jaune would have thought it a crush if not for knowing her better. His partner couldn't get enough of the lessons, nor of being flattened in one-on-one spars with the man. They were some of the most one-sided spars he'd ever seen, and not in Pyrrha's favour for once, which she seemed to love more than life itself.

And, of course, because life wasn't bullshit enough, she was improving as a result of it. Adapting her moves, picking up some new tricks, taking every lesson on board while every other member of the class fought for oxygen on the floor. That'd all be a lot more acceptable if Pyrrha would stop singing his praises and earning the ire of everyone in Team RWBY, along with everyone in hearing distance. It was getting to the point where he wouldn't have been surprised if Cardin and Velvet joined forces to try and corner Pyrrha and rough her up. Not that they'd succeed, but the sentiment was definitely there.

"I just think he's an excellent teacher and has a lot to teach us."

"I just think you're an idiot with an undiscovered masochistic kink," Weiss had replied, shocking Pyrrha to her core. Not only because of the insult, but because Weiss was the one to snap it out rather than Yang or Nora.

Oswald's impact wasn't just felt on the students, either. He had a strange dynamic with other teachers that only made sense to Jaune thanks to his context. The way he was familiar with them, and the way they deferred to him, didn't make sense to anyone else. There were rumours, of course. Rumours of him being some super-huntsmen even older ones respected. Rumours of him being Glynda's secret boyfriend, on account of how she was the only one willing to stand up to him and quite often dragged him to her new office to shout at.

"Shout" being a metaphor for someone else in the minds of many hormonal students.

It appeared to cause a ruckus with General Ironwood as well, though Jaune wasn't privy to any of information behind that one. He just knew Ironwood had been invited to Beacon for some short meetings, and that Oswald had similarly left the school to head up to the battleship more than once.

The biggest benefit of Oswald's ruthless training, however, was far simpler – and more a benefit for everyone else than him. It was that the constant workouts made sure everyone was exhausted at an early hour, and the student body – himself included – were getting more sleep than ever before.


Kuroyuri as the name of the place Jaune found himself in. He knew it more by context of hearing about it from Ren and Nora than anything else. A village that had for some reason decided it had what it took to become a city and declared itself independent from Mistral. Jaune wasn't sure how they'd managed that without Mistral kicking up a fuss, or how they'd thought themselves capable of it without huntsmen to protect them, but the result had ended up no better than Mountain Glenn. It was like the Grimm didn't want extra cities to survive.

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