Chapter 42

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"I may be arrested at breakfast."

Pyrrha, Ren and Nora all stopped in the act of putting on their uniforms and stared at him. In all fairness, it wasn't the kind of thing you expected to be told first thing in the morning. Pyrrha managed to put their thoughts to words.


"I was in General Ironwood's dream last night."

Ren groaned. "Jaune. Of all the people..."

"It's not like I have a choice on who it is. And I definitely didn't see military secrets." Not unless the loss of the man's arm was a secret. The best Jaune had been able to do was expend some aura to ease the dreamer's pain. Give them some comfort by changing bits of it. "I'm hoping he might be feeling a little merciful after I helped him in the dream."

"Helped him with what?"

"I can't say. Not because it's confidential but because it's his dream and his business." Jaune shrugged. "It's one of my rules."

"A fair one," agreed Pyrrha. "But I'm sure you're overreacting."

Team JNPR stepped outside.

And into a hallway filled with gun barrels.

"I'm sure he's overreacting," Nora hissed mockingly under her breath. "Oh yeah, it sure looks like it, Pyrrha."

Jaune sighed.

"Jaune Arc," spoke one officer. "You are under arrest for bodily harm against a citizen of Atlas."

"Does Headmaster Ozpin know about this?" asked Jaune.

"You have the right to remain silent—"

"I have the right to representation as well. I choose the headmaster."

"He's resisting arrest!"

Two soldiers tackled him to the floor.

Which proved to be a mistake.

His teammates – far more capable than he – flew into action, Ren kicking guns away and Nora launching herself into the middle of three soldiers who reflexively opened fire. Shots pinged off aura but more struck walls and doors. There were startled screams and Jaune hoped their neighbours could get their aura up in time.

With a sweep of her hand, Pyrrha solved the issue by yanking the guns out of every soldier's hands and throwing them to the floor. She rarely used her Semblance, but that didn't mean she was useless with it.

"Sir!" barked one soldier into his comms. "We are under atta—"

"Oh, can it!" snarled Nora, slamming the man's head into a wall. His helmet protected him but he still slumped, dropping to the floor when she let go of him.

Ren and Pyrrha dragged the two on Jaune off him and tossed them away.

"I think we should head straight to the headmaster's office," said Pyrrha.

"Understatement of the century."

They raced away and left the soldiers scrambling. There was no point getting into a bigger fight. People were coming out to investigate anyway, and by now shots in Beacon would have been heard by others. When they reached the main hall, there were already two soldiers stood outside the elevator to Ozpin's office. They stiffened and reached for their weapons, only to have Pyrrha yank them out their hands with her Semblance.

"Step aside," she commanded. "You have no right to bar our reaching the headmaster."

They wisely did so, allowing the four to enter the elevator and ride it up to the tower's peak. When the door opened, they could already hear raised voices and shouting within – General Ironwood's voice was the most obvious, but Glynda was there as well. Ozpin was quiet, listening, but everything came to a halt when Jaune stepped in and cleared his throat.

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