Chapter 30

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If there were more arguments between the teachers, Qrow and Ironwood then Jaune wasn't privy to them. Life continued for him while the ones in charge adapted to the very real threat of a White Fang and Grimm attack on the school. It might have looked from the outside like nothing was being done, but he was sure there were contingencies being put in place.

Not that his assurances would calm Blake down any if she were to find out. Team RWBY would be hitting the town again to try and keep her out of trouble.

Staying quiet was painful, but it was for the best.

So, life continued.

He studied, he trained, he slept, he wandered about the nightmares of random people around Beacon, and he did his best to subtly help out without expending too much aura. A tweak here to make a monster fall into a pitfall, or a flicked metaphysical light switch there to turn an ominously dark room into a bright one.

There were some that he couldn't fix and that he didn't know how to address. Strangers blaming the dreamer for their deaths when he lacked the context of who they even were or how they'd died. There were far too many of them – not to mention nightmares of pets dying, or people walking into traffic. Deep-rooted stuff that Jaune was sure was part of some greater trauma among the student body, but which he was woefully underequipped to handle.

At least he hadn't run into any nightmares that really drew out the possibility of highly illegal actions. Oh, he'd found a few dreams of people doing drugs and one or two that seemed to involve big men pinning the dreamer down in a manner that hinted at them being the victim of crimes, but those were the few cases he was prepared to use his aura to utterly annihilate the monster in the dream, often disguising himself as a huntsman or even a police officer.

Going a full week without hopping into the dreams of any of his friends was a genuine relief, but it was also a week without visiting Trivia, or getting any closer to finding the person who killed Amber. Thankfully, there was no Adam Taurus either, so he must have been deeper out in the Emerald Forest.

But that didn't mean the White Fang hadn't been active.

While they'd been quiet in the forests, they'd been loud in the city – or Roman Torchwick had, but they all knew those dust robberies were for the White Fang thanks to Team RWBY's run-in with them before.

Over the course of seven days, Jaune and the rest of Team JNPR got a front row seat to the fracturing tempers among Team RWBY, driven primarily by Blake's returning obsession, but also by her team's inability to deal with it.

Arguments were commonplace.

"—doing nothing!" hissed Blake. "They're doing nothing!"

"You don't know that," snapped Weiss. "You're always the first to assume the world is standing still and letting the White Fang get away with what they want, but do you really think the Atlas military forces here aren't paying attention? Don't be so stupid."

"They're too busy defending and preparing Amity."

"Hm. I wonder why that is?" Weiss tapped her chin sarcastically. "Could it be because Amity and the Vytal Festival are almost certainly their targets? Could it be that the military are taking steps to protect the tens of thousands of people who will be up there?"

"And while they do that, Torchwick and the White Fang are gathering dust across Vale!"

"Blake, no," groaned Yang. "We can't go out and get into a fight with them again. Miss Goodwitch will nail us to the walls."

Jaune wished he could say it ended there but Team RWBY's fight go so vocal that one of the staff serving lunch shouted at them to take it elsewhere. The four of them actually chose to depart rather than quieten down, which was always a bad sign.

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