Chapter 48

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"I have good news and I have bad news," said Doctor Tsune, looking over some printed out notes. Team JNPR was sat nervously in the chairs in the infirmary, while Headmistress Goodwitch stood by the door, arms crossed and a thunderous expression on her face. "Which would you like first?"

"The bad news," said Nora. "Might as well get it out the way."

"Very well. Your hair colouration is unfortunately permanent. For all intents and purposes, it is as though you've been blonde your whole life."

Jaune let out a sigh. "That's not so—"

"No!" Nora hit the ground on all fours and pounded her fist into it. "No, no, no! Not that! Anything but that!"

"Hey. There's nothing wrong with blonde hair..."

"My image! My style! My stand-out point! Don't you get it? I was the redhead. I was the only one. In a world of black, brown, blonde and white, I alone stood tall as the redhead!"

Pyrrha cleared her throat.

"Oh, don't you start!" Nora growled and pointed at her. "When people say redhead they mean orange or ginger, not blood red hair. You're a freak of nature."

"W—What!?" Pyrrha's jaw dropped. "W—Well you can't all just steal the colour red and say it applies to orange hair, either. It's our colour!"

"Have a soul, Pyrrha!"

"Oh, so now you're clinging to stereotypes around redheads."

"What?" Nora gaped. "But I am a redhead!"

Pyrrha pointed at her golden hair. "Not anymore."


Jaune looked to Ren, who rolled his eyes. They shared a moment to despair. It was only hair. If his was to suddenly turn black one day, he admitted he'd be alarmed and dislike it, but only because he wasn't sure if black hair would suit him. He'd get used to it soon enough. Besides, blonde hair was easy to dye back to orange if she wanted to.

"If Miss Valkyrie wishes it, hair dye will be provided," said Glynda. "I'm sure Mr Arc will be happy to foot the bill given this is his fault."

"With what money?" he whined.

"I'm sure you can dream some up."

Jaune paused. "Do you think that would work?"

"No!" Glynda barked at him. "I meant that as sarcasm. Do not crash the economy in your sleep!" Her hand came up to cup her face. "I can't believe I have to say that. What world is this we live in where one boy's Semblance can alter the human form? What's next? Mr Winchester becoming Miss Winchester? Faunus losing what makes them faunus? An immaculate dream pregnancy!?" The woman hissed into her hand. "I'd have quit before Ozpin could promote me if I knew this was what awaited me!"

Jaune laughed nervously. All those things... well... they might be possible. Not that he thought they'd happen, but... well... He'd gotten Velvet drunk and now changed Nora's hair. Small things, easily fixed things despite Nora's theatrics. Ozpin, or Oswald, was a little more extreme. A little more panicky. It was a good thing the old man was taking having his youth back again as a positive. But if he accidentally dreamed a human supremacist becoming a faunus then – ironic justice aside – he was going to get in trouble.

"That was the bad news," said Ren, cutting through the conversation and bringing it back to focus on Nora. "The doctor said there was good news as well."

Nora looked up hopefully.

"Ah, yes." Tsune flipped over a note on her clipboard. "The good news." She smiled at Jaune. "Congratulations. It's a girl."

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