Chapter 10

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The cafeteria was full of the low chatter and clink of metal cutlery, while the world outside the windows was an eldritch mess of floating rocks, endless clouds, and rippling thunder. It was the latter which told Jaune it was a dream because aside from the impossible view outside, everything inside the cafeteria was the same as it had always been – right the way down to the food in front of him being a replica of what he liked, and his teammates being arranged in their usual seats. Team RWBY came and sat down opposite them, or him, and Ruby leaned forward excitedly.

"I can't believe you asked my sister out to the dance!"

"Uh." He wasn't used to being the centre of attention in someone else's dream. At least not this early. "Why? Should I have asked you out instead, crater-face?"

"What?" Ruby recoiled, just like he was sure she would have in real life. "Pft! What? No way. Ew!"

"What do you mean ew? I'm a catch."

"Pft. Yeah right. Catch a Beowolf more like!"

It was such typical banter between them that he just knew the dreamer was someone at the table; it was impossible for it not to be unless Ruby had a stalker. He was fairly sure Yang would have found and killed such a person if they existed.

"I have to say I'm surprised as well," said Weiss. "Pleasantly, though. You really are moving on just like you said."

"Hey," growled Yang. "Don't say moving on like I'm second best."

"Oh, is that what you inferred?" Weiss smiled cattishly behind her fingers, and Ruby burst into giggles. "I'm sure I didn't mean it that way, but if that's how you see it then maybe there's a point to be made there. He did ask me first, after all. And repeatedly."

Yang responded by lashing out – but not at Weiss. Her hand caught his collar and yanked him bodily over the table, and then slid around his neck. Their cheeks smashed together, Yang holding him in place as she grinned wildly. "Yeah, but he's head over heels for me. Right?"

"I only-"

Yang squeezed his neck. "Right?"

"I am madly in love with Yang. I am lost in her presence."

Jaune made sure to drone the words out sarcastically, and everyone laughed. It really was everyday chatter between them, and he'd told his team that he was going with Yang earlier that very day. He'd been worried Pyrrha might be upset, but she'd just told him she was happy for him. It had gone a lot better than he thought it would.

Yang let his neck go but did grab his hand, winking and squeezing it for a second. That, he felt, was unlike her. Yang was touchy for sure but a gesture like that was a bit much when all they'd done was agree to go to a dance together. They both knew they weren't actually dating.

"It'll be fun," chirped Yang. "And I'm not above going out a little after, too. Try a few more dates, eh?" She winked at him. "If this one goes well."

"Uh. Sure. I mean, yeah. If all goes well then I'd love to."

Jaune scanned the faces around him as he said it. Dreams thus far had mostly been nightmares – the only exception to that being Amber. Even Amber's had started off rough with her being locked away in a bedroom as well. If this was a nightmare then he hoped he'd be able to tell who felt unhappy with what he was saying.

The obvious contenders were Pyrrha and, ego-crushingly, Yang. Pyrrha would be the obvious choice if she really did have feelings for him, but he wouldn't put it past Yang to have a relationship-based nightmare. It didn't have to mean she was having second thoughts; it might just be a nightmare where she embarrassed herself, or where he turned the date into a disaster. Sort of an embarrassment nightmare – like showing up at school naked.

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Where stories live. Discover now