Chapter 6

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Despite being the headmaster, most students at Beacon didn't see Ozpin on the regular; he was presumably a very busy sort of person and delegated much of the discipline issues in the school to Miss Goodwitch, who both was a familiar sight to the student body and also a very threatening figure. Extreme moments called for extreme measures however, and the eight of them – both Team CRDL, and Jaune, Nora, Blake and Yang, were brought up to "explain themselves" in front of the headmaster of Beacon.

Team CRDL had done the usual thing everyone in school did which was deflect, deflect, deflect and hope the other party played along. In a way, they'd sorted their issues out with a fight, so there was some sense in the eight of them coming together to play it all down on a Friday night and not end up losing them the weekend. Of course, that was before it came to their turn and Yang opted to answer for them. Jaune saw the very moment Blake's eyes slowly closed, hope departing, as Yang not only signed their death warrants but dug them a set of graves as well.

"Yeah, Cardin was pulling shit with a faunus and hurting her so Jaune smacked him down like the bitch he is." Even as she said it, Yang shot him such a huge grin that he wished a hole would open up under his feet and swallow him. Miss Goodwitch's expression was much less wholesome.

Ozpin raised one eyebrow. "I was under the impression all four of you were involved."

"Eh. Couldn't let Jaune have all the fun."

"Thank you, Miss Xiao-Long, for that thorough explanation." He leaned back into his seat. "I realise that is a little ironic of me to say that we don't espouse violence here at a school teaching you how to be violent, but I will say instead that we don't encourage it against one another. You are all training to support one another against the Grimm. That includes you, Mr Winchester. Do not think I cannot see you smirking. Miss Scarlatina is a capable huntress who I dare say could run rings around your team if she wished. Do not mistake her reluctance to harm you as weakness." He paused and looked to Miss Goodwitch. "I think detention and a loss of rights to leave Beacon for this weekend seems a suitable punishment." There were groans all around. "Do you agree, Glynda?"

"I do. It is a first case for violence on this level so you will get off lightly. Rest assured I will know if you try and sneak off to Vale during the weekend. I will know, and I will not be pleased. And then you will not be pleased once I get a hold of you. Am I understood?"

"Yes Miss Goodwitch," chorused all eight of them.

"Good. You are dismissed."

The elevator ride down with the eight of them in the carriage was awkward as all hell. At the bottom, Cardin made sure to shoulder check Jaune into the door as he left, snarling some insult that might have been a whole lot more meaningful if he wasn't the one with a black eye.

"Fucker," swore Yang, catching Jaune by his shoulders. "You shouldn't take that from him."

"Take what?" asked Jaune, genuinely confused. "The only damage he's done is bruising my fist."

"Ha!" Yang righted him and slapped his back. "You know what, you're pretty cool sometimes, Jaune. I wouldn't have thought you'd go all crazy on Cardin like that after you put up with all his bullying. You surprised me."

"I think he surprised everyone," said Blake.

"Not me!" said Nora. "I've always known Jaune was secretly a beast."

All the attention had him blushing and rubbing his cheek, which probably wasn't the kickass persona Yang was talking about. "It's different when it's someone else," he said. "And Velvet didn't do anything. Ging after her like that. It... I guess it pissed me off." It pissed him off a lot. "Sorry for ruining your weekend."

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Where stories live. Discover now