Chapter 24

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"I had them!" Jaune snapped. "I almost had them!"

"Calm down, Mr Arc." Headmaster Ozpin was sat behind his desk nursing a cup of coffee. Jaune did not appreciate his relaxed manner.

"Calm down? Amber's murderer is here in Beacon, and she's still free!" He slammed his hand down on the man's table. "And I won't rest until she's behind bars or dead!" He held the older man's gaze but felt increasingly silly under Ozpin's patient expression. "Sorry," he mumbled, removing his hand.

"It is quite alright. I am not asking you to accept Amber's killer or ignore her. I am asking you to calm down so that you might have a steady mind from which to tell me the full story. Did you notice any details about them? Anything that I could work off?"

He did his best to tell the scene in as much detail as he possibly could, but he hadn't seen much of the dream. He'd only heard Amber's voice and responded in time to see the person run.

"They were female, I think. Their shape from behind was tall and slim."

"Sadly, that does not narrow down our list of suspects by many." Ozpin's comment had him slumping. "There's no need for despair, Mr Arc. You have entered their dream once and you will likely do so again. We also know the killer is masquerading as a student within Beacon. They're unlikely to be a first year because Amber was a very capable combatant. My personal suspicion is that they might be a transfer team here for the festival. It would have allowed them the chance to finish Amber off and then leave without raising suspicions."

Jaune listened intently and nodded at the right places. He needed to know who this was, and he wanted to have a part in taking them down. Finally, his Semblance was becoming useful for more than just therapy.

"They've got Amber now so they don't need to stay, do they?"

"They don't," said Ozpin. "If even a single one suggests that they want to leave then we shall fall on them quickly and conduct a thorough investigation. I expect they know that however, and I expect they will do their best to keep their heads down and complete the Vytal Festival as they're supposed to, and then leave peacefully after. That means we have a time limit."

Jaune swore.

"Mr Arc," said Ozpin, firmly. "I do not want to hear of you taking this as a sign that you should use your Semblance in a reckless and destructive manner like before. Amber would never want that."

"I know. I won't." Jaune wiped a hand down his face. "That was an accident and I didn't know over-using it could hurt me like that. It won't happen again."

"Good." Ozpin leaned back. "I've called a friend and ally of mine here. He's a huntsman, and the one who rescued Amber from her aggressors. They would have finished her off had he not been there. I want to introduce you both." There was a ding by the elevator door. "Ah, that must be him."

The door opened to reveal a tall man with grey-black hair and a faint amount of stubble. The way he walked was halfway between a stagger and a stumble, and yet he also looked perfectly poised and ready for action. He took a long swig from a metallic hipflask, eyed Jaune, and then sauntered over to the desk.

"So," he said, in a gravelly voice. "This is the kid peeping on my nieces, huh."

Jaune spluttered.

"Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc. Jaune Arc, Qrow Branwen." Ozpin smiled. "He is also the uncle of Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long. And Qrow, I'd advise saving the heavy-handed talk until later. Mr Arc is also dating Miss Xiao Long, so I'm sure you'll have opportunity aplenty to threaten him."

The man chuckled, while Jaune balked. "H-Hey, I didn't ask to invade their dreams."

"Not gotten up to any funny business, have you? Indulged in any fantasies?"

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