Chapter 44

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"Welcome to my kingdom. Tainted by my memories of it, and no doubt better through nostalgia than it ever was in reality, but it stood the test of time for several thousand years and there aren't many that can say that!"

"Sir, are you saying this is real? What does that make you? A reincarnated soul?"

"Close enough, Mr Arc. Close enough." For dropping such bombshells on him, Ozpin was obnoxiously bright and cheerful. His eyes sparkled as he looked left and right, taking in long-forgotten scenery with obvious joy. "Goodness, I'd forgotten most of this place. Distant memories buried under millions more. Happier times, however. Ah, Sir Lannard!"

A man in a full suit of armour turned and regarded them. He swept his helmet off to reveal long, shoulder length blonde hair and a handsome face. "My liege. How farest thee?"

Ozpin strode forward to link arms with the man. Their breastplates clanked together as they patted one another's back. Jaune felt like an outsider.

"Good, Lannard. Good! And you know I prefer it when you call me Ozma!"

"In private, my liege. Today is a day of celebration and ceremony. A little decorum is expected." The knight looked past him. "And who is this?"

The knight could see him? It must have been because Ozpin was acknowledging him in the dream.

"This is Sir Jaune D'Arc," Ozpin lied, altering his last name a little. "He is a knight and emissary of a distant kingdom called Vale, here to wish us well on our big day and talk politics. Relax, Lannard. He is a good man."

"Well met, Sir D'Arc." The knight offered his gauntlet, which Jaune shook. It was an honest to goodness knight out of the fairytales. Ruby would be jealous. "Welcome to our illustrious kingdom. I hope you find it welcoming."

"Uh. Yeah, it's an amazing place."

Sir Lannard tilted his head. "An odd manner of speech, you have. And odd clothing. Truly, our cultures must be quite different. What material are those hose?"


"It's called denim," Ozpin interrupted. "A weave of yarn or cotton treated in a peculiar style. They're an interesting kingdom. Advanced in many ways."

"Is that so? Well, I look forward to seeing what we can learn from one another."

"I'm showing Sir D'Arc around the castle," said Ozpin. "Can you station some guards to my lady wife's quarters? I'm afraid I've opened my mouth and said something to upset her."

Lannard frowned. "Again?"

"You know me, Lannard."

"I certainly do, my liege." The knight sighed. "I will stop by the kitchens and procure her highness some of her favourite snacks. Shall I fetch her handmaidens as well? They will gossip most fiercely against you."

"I can withstand their cold gossip if it makes my wife feel better. See it so." The knight banged his gauntlet to his chest and moved on, though not without a quick smile and a nod sent Jaune's way. Once he was out of hearing distance, Ozpin smiled and said, "That's another of your ancestors, you know."

Jaune gaped. "He's an Arc!?"

"Lannard Arc. I can't even think how many ancestors separate you and he, and you may not be from his line. He has two brothers, four sisters and at least twenty cousins. Most are knights, though some are squires or handmaidens." Ozpin frowned suddenly. "This era didn't really embraced equality of sex, I regret to say. It wasn't until much later, and by necessity, that huntresses were born. Folly in hindsight, I admit. Aura is aura. But it was hard to think of breaking tradition this many thousands of years ago."

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Where stories live. Discover now