Chapter 29

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Trivia continued teaching him RSL at breakfast, sitting on his lap with her chest to his in what would have been a very risqué position for anyone else. Oddly enough, it didn't feel that way and no one eating at the table saw her as interested in him, not even Pyrrha – and certainly not his actual girlfriend, Yang. They all acted like she was his little sister, and Jaune felt like her older brother, fumbling awkwardly through gestures and letting Trivia correct him by moving his hands about. The hard part was getting used to the idea of both talking and gesturing at the same time, and he wasn't sure if that was because the lip reading on top of the signs helped, or if it was so that his face made the relevant expressions.

If he just used signs then his face would have been flat and toneless, which might have made it harder for her to interpret the sentiment behind the words. Or maybe it was just so that other people could hear, and he wasn't leaving them out the conversation. It helped that he could speak her signs back and have her shake her head or nod if he got them right.

"Mr Arc." Miss Goodwitch approached their table with a raised eyebrow toward a girl sitting in his lap at breakfast but, upon seeing no one else minded, decided it was too early for her to care. "I am sorry for the interruption but Doctor Oobleck and the headmaster would like to speak with you. You are not in trouble but may miss your first lesson of the day."

Trivia pouted and made a few quick signs.

"I don't recognise those," he said.

"Unfortunately, I do," said Glynda, and Trivia froze. "Beacon does not discriminate against differently abled students and I am fully trained in RSL. I suggest you return to your team before I take offence at that comment."

Trivia hopped off his legs and scurried away with a faint blush and was followed by laughter from Yang and Nora. The others were smiling or hiding their laughter. Jaune really wished he knew what she'd said, but it was probably something rude towards Miss Goodwitch and he didn't have the balls to ask her for a translation.

Instead, he apologised to his teammates and promised to catch up with them later. It was a regular enough issue for him to be called away that none of them even batted an eye anymore, but at least they weren't worried either. He'd had plenty of private talks with Doctor Oobleck and they all knew it was related to his Semblance. They probably assumed the headmaster had brought an aura specialist in for him to be looked over by. Maybe he had, but Jaune somehow doubted it. Doctor Oobleck would have told him in advance about that if it were true.

"Do you know what this is for, ma'am?" asked Jaune once they'd left the cafeteria.

"I have not been informed but I do know that General Ironwood has prepped an aircraft with fuel enough to take it over the Emerald Forest, and that Qrow Branwen has arrived once more – so I expect it will be a repeat attempt at your last excursion."

"Ahhh." Jaune made an understanding sound. "They could have just messaged me instead of sending you, ma'am."

"Believe me, Mr Arc. I am well aware."

"..." Jaune winced. "Sorry?"

"It's hardly your fault my colleagues see fit to waste my time." Glynda took them up the elevator and then out to the doors to Ozpin's office. "We're here. Good luck, and well done on taking the step to learning RSL," she added. "I am sure your friend appreciates the effort you're putting forth."

"When did you—?"

"Beacon doesn't often have students with disabilities such as those, primarily because they can be detrimental to the career of a huntsman. That said, sometimes a talented and determined individual can achieve it all the same, and we shall never turn such people down. There are always at least two members of staff who know it. We have three currently – me, Ozpin, and Bartholomew."

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