Chapter 50

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They were calling it "The Breach" with an emphasis on the capital letters and "the" before the name. It was said to be the greatest tragedy in Vale for the last decade, which Doctor Oobleck had taken a personal hand in tearing to shreds in history lessons by pointing out far worse events. The difference was that the breach happened in the middle of Vale, in an up-market area where crime and violence were supposed to be at an all-time low, and during the run up to the Vytal Festival when more attention was on the city.

Simply put, it got more coverage and from there expanded as people exaggerated and stretched out the devastation. Not even Mountain Glenn had as much attention, and the loss of that city had cost tens of thousands of lives.

By the time Teams JNPR and RWBY showed up, the fighting was mostly over, and the breach sealed by the upper years. Their work was disaster relief, in moving rock, tending to the wounded, helping people away and erecting shelters for those whose homes had been damaged. Community service in a sense, but necessary work, especially with hospitals overloaded and police combing everywhere they could for the White Fang.

But the biggest surprise came two days later when Oswald requested his presence in Glynda's office, and then took him onto a Bullhead that flew them to General Ironwood's flagship. Jaune stayed quiet, nervous, and let Oswald direct the conversation.

"I heard your Semblance expanded its range. Have you by any chance dreamed of people in the city?"

"Not since coming back," said Jaune. "I think my maximum range increased but as long as I'm surrounded by people closer by, it seems to default to them. It's been students for the past two nights. A couple of transfers but mostly people I don't know."

"Does that make it easier?"

"Yeah. As horrible as it sounds, it's easier to just let a person's nightmare play out if I don't know them."

"There's nothing horrid about that. Nightmares are not real. I know you would not stand by as they were harmed by real foes." Oswald changed the topic. "I'm rather enjoying having my youth back, though I'm not sure you and the rest of the students would agree."

"You could be a little gentler, sir," Jaune said, carefully.

"Nonsense. You all need to be ready for what is truly out there. Better to bleed now than later."

"But you're working us to the point we collapse!"

"Perhaps, then, you'll all do something about that."

"What?" Jaune asked. "Like attack you? Because we're close."

Oswald smiled.

"Wait, you're serious...? This is some test?"

"Not a test. Even if you attack me, I'll fight back and make that a lesson – and you'll be just as exhausted come the end of it. But I am teaching combat. I am showing you how to deal with your problems violently. If you find me a problem, use violence against me."

"Yeah, and get our asses kicked again."

"Well, giving up and doing nothing will just have me running you all ragged. You'll improve one way or another."

Jaune grumbled. The man was a sadist. "Is General Ironwood really going to let me on his ship?"

"I've spoken with James and gotten assurances. His issues with you are numerous but James is a man of discipline. The breach and the White Fang's involvement is too important for him to ignore. He puts up with Qrow on a regular basis and the two hate one another. He will be fine ignoring you."

Ironwood was waiting for them as they landed in a hangar and shook Oswald's hand. Despite their friction before and Ozpin as good as banishing them from Beacon, the two were able to talk for a few minutes without any indication of enmity. Jaune went ignored, which suited him just fine. Eventually, Ironwood had them follow him down several corridors, through bulkheads, and then past armed security that saluted.

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