Chapter 37

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"—and that was when I beat the Grimm to death with the cabbage!"

"We know, professor. You've told us that one before."

"All the better to drive it into your heads. Anything can be a weapon in the right hands, and with the right mindset!"

Jaune blinked himself to dreamfulness and realised he was walking through a thick and brightly lit forest. The sun was high in the sky, the birds were chirping, and it was as far away from the gloomy and nightmarish forest where Amber died that they might as well have been on different planes of existence.

He didn't recognise the forest but he certainly recognised the portly and jovial man walking alongside him. Professor Peter Port was simultaneously Beacon's most beloved and hated teacher. Beloved when you were late on homework, needed an extension, or just wanted some quick advice. The man always made time for you, and always listened. He wasn't a soft touch, but he also wasn't as strict as Goodwitch and Oobleck, so he'd often let you have an extra day or two on a deadline if you could give a decent reason.

But in class, when you were forced to sit through his lectures, he might as well have been the most hated man on Remnant. His lectures alternated between waffle and fantasy, only occasionally broken up by a sudden Grimm dumped into the middle of class – and those were considered better days. It said a lot when you sighed with relief when your teacher unleashed a Boarbatusk on you. It said even more than half the class would gladly be gored to death by it than have to sit through another story.

"Kids these days," said Port, winking Jaune's way.

It took Jaune a second to realise what he meant. While he recognised Port, he didn't recognise the team walking behind them. Four Beacon students, maybe in their second or third year, but this could have been years before Team JNPR ever formed so there was no guarantee they were still in Beacon. They might have graduated by now.

I guess we must go on missions with teachers later in our studies, Jaune thought. It made sense to test them out in the field, though he had to wonder whether Beacon had enough teachers for every team. There weren't that many.

In fact, he decided to ask.

"What happens to the other teams without a teacher? I doubt you and Doctor Oobleck can handle every team."

"Ha. True. And Beacon would fall apart if Glynda stepped out. But hasn't Bart told you to call him by name? You're a teacher now, my boy. No need to call us on title."

Teacher—? Jaune doubted the man would dream of him becoming a teacher so this must have been a subconscious way for him to explain Jaune's sudden presence. Rather than realise someone who shouldn't be in his dream had appeared as such, Professor Port had just come up with a story in his own head that Jaune was a new teacher. It wasn't a big surprise from a man who came up with tall stories like this all the time.

"Old habits," said Jaune, playing along. "But you didn't answer my question."

"We enlist old graduates to help out. There are plenty who feel they owe Beacon something – as if fighting the good fight isn't payment enough! – and they're happy to help shadow a team and guide the next generation." He winked, adding, "Though we make sure the more dangerous tasks have more experienced huntsmen, of course. Like yours truly!" Port – or Peter – boomed with laughter, and shouted back to the team, "Did I ever tell you the time I wrestled a Beringel?"

"Yes!" the four groaned in unison.

Peter glanced back at Jaune and winked.

Hang on.

Was the old coot aware of what his stories did to people? Was it a joke to him? Ren had once postulated that perhaps Port's odd lessons were a test, that there might be true secrets and wisdom buried underneath riddle-like stories. Ren had committed days and hours to taking extensive notes and going over them, only to eventually let his forehead slam down onto the desk in their room and declare his surrender. If there were secret meanings, they were staying a secret. It looked like Port was aware of that too and was playing into it.

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