📢Author'S Note

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Hello Readers,

Thank you, everyone, For all your encouragement and voting for my previous stories I really appreciate all your support and for making it through my late updates on my last story😭😭 I'm sorry but I promise I will try to update regularly from now on🥺💕
this fanfic does not follow the original story or the novel I only borrowed the characters, THE NEW CHARACTERS ARE TOTALLY FROM MY IMAGINATION AND THE STORY IS MY OWN IDEA.

📢NOTE: This story contains +18 Dark themes, Rape, abuse, Strong language, violence, and violation of human rights ⚠️ so if you feel uncomfortable DO NOT READ IT! Read at your own risk⚠️

I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY A HAPPY READING! And don't forget to give me feedback on each chapter by leaving your comments I really enjoy reading it and it encourages me to go on with the story. all your Votes and Comments I really appreciated, Thank you again🥰🥰🖤🖤

Special thanks to my talented friend  hhoopppeefull For Designing all my story's covers✨💕 (Contact her if you need a cover design)

Drawing credits go to the owner ( Koichi_ Yz)

@Builuve4444 2024

All Rights Reserved.

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