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Hey guys, I hope you'll like this chapter also thanks for each vote and comment I appreciate all of it guys because it makes me keep on writing better🥰🥰❤️❤️

⚠️Mention of trauma, nyctophobia suffering.

Enjoy your reading✨💕


"I have a plan," Vegas said with a smirk.

I know he's up to something and I know I won't like it, Can I just try to talk to the police? They might help me.

But I'm really scared that he might do something bad to me if my plan doesn't go as I wanted.

What should I do?

"Listen, I need you to go out and tell them to wait in the living room I will come out and talk to them" Vegas instructed Nop.

But what about me? Will he leave me here so I can't talk to them?

And what will he say to them, The problem is that Leo doesn't have any evidence of what happened, Wait! The bruises on my body! I could use that against him!

But how should I talk to them?

"Listen to me well, I will go out and talk to them, You stay here and don't dare to make a sound, If needed they might interrogate you, You'll say that we just had a fight and I went rough on you as a rough play in bed and you came here willingly, Do you get it?" He instructs me in a warning tone.

"But..." I uttered.

"No buts, I don't have time for your complaints, I should come out now," He said and took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number, Then put the phone to his ear while he looked nervous.

I was watching him with a worried expression, The room we were in was dark and the only light sliding through was the hallway light.

The number answered and he spoke immediately,

"Kinn, Listen, I need your help now..." He said in a rush, His eyes fell on me finally then before he could go out of the door he moved the phone slightly away from his ear.

"I will go now, Don't forget what I said, Pete" He gave me another warning and then walked out of the room after shutting the door, still talking on the phone.

I was now left in the dark room, there wasn't any ray of light, And I couldn't see anything, The room was literally pitch black.

I couldn't even see my surroundings, I started to sweat, and my anxiety was kicking in, I wanted to go out!

I searched for the light switch while I was gasping for air, I found it finally, and when I clicked on the switch it didn't work.

What should I do now?

I tried to unlock the door but it didn't open, he closed the door from the outside!

I couldn't wait anymore, "HELP...HELP ME!" I cried out standing next to the door so they could hear my voice.

"I'M KIDNAPPED!" I shouted again at the top of my lungs.

After a few moments while I was eavesdropping against the door, Maybe if I hear anyone passing by I will shout again.

Suddenly the door flared open, hitting my head as I stumbled back in force, I winced in pain while holding my head, I was about to lift my face to see who opened the door but instead, I found myself pushed roughly to the wall and a harsh hand covered my mouth, I gasped...

I lifted my face and met with those intimidating, fierce eyes that were sending daggers at me.

"I told you not to make a fucking sound! Didn't I?" He whispered dangerously, his face inches away from mine, My heart was beating fast like it was going to leave my chest.

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