Break Out

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Hey guys, Another chapter is here I'd like to know your opinion about it☺️ Thank you for all your encouragement I really appreciate it🥺❤️

Enjoy your reading✨


Another week had passed since the day Pete went to his friends, Pete then became more obedient and he stopped resisting me when I wanted him in bed.

I don't know whether he accepted his fate or simply cooking something behind my back because the way he's no longer complaining is suspicious to me, After spending a long time with him I knew for sure that Pete wasn't easy and he was the stubborn type.

Last night I went harsh on him and it must have been painful to get whipped with a whip for the first time, At first I only used a flogger and he got bruises all over his body.

After a long thinking, I decided to go to his room to check on him.

I went inside the room without bothering to knock first and I saw him sitting on the bed doing something on the laptop I brought him last week, He said he was bored and needed something to distract himself.

Once he saw me, He shut the device immediately, Somehow looking startled, What was he doing? Was he watching porn?

"What were you doing?" I asked suspiciously with a raised eyebrow and he smiled at me letting his dimples on display.

"Ahh...Nothing, I was studying for the exams!" He explained.

"Were you watching Porn? I hope not because I do you nicely" I sneered.

"Ha? told you I was just studying!" He said in a defensive mode.

I took a few steps closer until I reached the bed, I sat on the edge and stared at him then glanced at the laptop.

His smile hasn't faded, I like seeing his perfect smile.

"Take off your shirt" I ordered plainly.

"W...Why?" He shuttered.

"Just do it" I rolled my eyes at him.

"We...We did it last night...I'm still tired" He was shuttering with a panicked expression, He's so cute.

"Come here" I grabbed his hand and carried him to sit on my lap.

He looked at me dumbfounded and I stared at him before laughing at his agitated face.

"Arms up" I demanded and he obeyed immediately without negotiation, I like him like that.

I took off his shirt and threw it on the bed, His face flushed in shyness as his eyes were glued to something else refusing to look into my eyes.

I lifted my hand and traced my fingers slowly starting from his bare chest to his cute tummy, I felt him shiver.

I traced all the bruises on his chest, The bloody cuts on his skin...It's such a masterpiece.

"Does it hurt?" I asked gently.

"A little bit..." He uttered.

"What a perfect view" I mumbled softly then I placed my lips on his skin trailing gentle kisses on each bruise.

I pulled back and met his red face, I lifted his face with my thumb.

He finally met my eyes, There was something deep and different in his eyes.

Something like Fear, Stress, and...Regret...

"I wanted to apply an ointment on the cuts, So it doesn't get infected," I said while tugging his hair behind his ears.

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